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  #101 (permalink)  
Old 10-03-2011, 12:22 PM
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Re: Tethering on the Arrive?

People, The Mango Wi-Fi tethering(you need mango for this) is based off of hardware chipset with a combo of software.

[LIST] Devices that CAN, CAN'T or HAVE WiFi hotspot support - xda-developers

The HTC Trophy and the 7 Pro (Arrive) does have the correct chipset (BRCM 4329) that will support Wi-FI tethering. (I only care about the Trophy really...sorry but, I like to help)

The problem now is software on HTC devices (Samsungs included the software driver) that did not come on upgraded devices. It's the SoftAP drivers and registry edits that claim will solve the problem.

I would watch this thread (as I have been and have a buch of posts in it), it's manly about getting "Mango" wi-fi tethering working but, there is HTC people in there trying to see if they can get it working.

Mango Internet Sharing/Tethering - Omnia 7/Focus Tutorial Added to OP - xda-developers

It's a interesting read, if you really wanted to have an idea on what is needed to get this working, it's a fairly good read, all 48-50 pages of it..

Based on how it works, I feel once the GSM models are figured out, I think it will work on CDMA models. It's just using the current data connection from what I see.
My Windows Media Center HTPC blog and site.

If I helped in anyway, please hit thanks !
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  #102 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2011, 07:59 PM
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Re: Tethering on the Arrive?

Come on Cookers, let's get to hacking. Daddy wants some piece and quiet on long trips with the family..............
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  #103 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2011, 06:16 PM
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Re: Tethering on the Arrive?

Originally Posted by DavidinCT View Post
People, The Mango Wi-Fi tethering(you need mango for this) is based off of hardware chipset with a combo of software.

[LIST] Devices that CAN, CAN'T or HAVE WiFi hotspot support - xda-developers

The HTC Trophy and the 7 Pro (Arrive) does have the correct chipset (BRCM 4329) that will support Wi-FI tethering. (I only care about the Trophy really...sorry but, I like to help)

The problem now is software on HTC devices (Samsungs included the software driver) that did not come on upgraded devices. It's the SoftAP drivers and registry edits that claim will solve the problem.

I would watch this thread (as I have been and have a buch of posts in it), it's manly about getting "Mango" wi-fi tethering working but, there is HTC people in there trying to see if they can get it working.

Mango Internet Sharing/Tethering - Omnia 7/Focus Tutorial Added to OP - xda-developers

It's a interesting read, if you really wanted to have an idea on what is needed to get this working, it's a fairly good read, all 48-50 pages of it..

Based on how it works, I feel once the GSM models are figured out, I think it will work on CDMA models. It's just using the current data connection from what I see.
There's more, granted, that if it works you still need to be dev/dreamspark unlocked since there's no DFT unlock for the GoldC (Arrive).
I heard some have begun cooking roms with added certs that allow one to sideload apps with the corresponding cert (no dev unlock required). Anyway, here's the linkys:

I assumed this guide would work & thought I read someone with an Arrive had it running:

Another Link which states HTC devices:

Last edited by -Enkidu-; 10-06-2011 at 06:22 PM.
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  #104 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2011, 02:49 PM
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Red face Re: Tethering on the Arrive?

Originally Posted by chong67 View Post
So you all cant thether. How do you all get by? Go to McD?

I was thether to my laptop and in my car for hours on my TP2. Its still going n going.
LOL. I know right. I'm so reluctant to leave my TP2...
Impossible is nothing.
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  #105 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2011, 04:07 PM
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Re: Tethering on the Arrive?

Originally Posted by Gee View Post
LOL. I know right. I'm so reluctant to leave my TP2...
@Gee ,@chong67 WP7 supports tethering now but it's up to the carriers to enable it. My HD7 has tethering in it and for no extra charge or hacks required whatsoever. Don't know if it'll be on the arrive or not especially considering the condition of the sprint network and their commitment (or lack thereof) to WP.
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  #106 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2011, 11:04 PM
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Re: Tethering on the Arrive?

So far, Sprint has opted to NOT enable tethering on the Arrive yet. Too bad... it's a really great feature.
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  #107 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2011, 02:31 AM
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Re: Tethering on the Arrive?

Yeah, unfortunately that may never be available for the arrive. I get great sprint speed and service combined with a low price. Unfortunately, there isn't an option to get a good WP7 phone that supports tethering via sprint. The arrive feels abandoned by sprint and Custom FW devs.
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  #108 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2011, 02:36 PM
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Re: Tethering on the Arrive?

With US Cell tethering is a pay option, $30/ month I believe. THEY have to "turn it on". <sigh>
Maybe someday someone with the know how will figure a way around this that doesn't require an unlocked phone. Man I miss my WinMoble Wifi Router. (
USC HTC Win7 Pro
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  #109 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2011, 09:31 AM
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Re: Tethering on the Arrive?

Yup! I have looked everywhere and found nothing. Other then what you stated something about ICS needing to be enabled, but I have not heard any chatter on anyone working on a rom. I heard the 7740 release on some of the other wm7 phones activated it, but sprints update did not include it. Honestly love my phone, but do miss the ability to switch things up with a new rom every so often.
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  #110 (permalink)  
Old 02-07-2012, 01:26 PM
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Re: Tethering on the Arrive?

I'm about to make the jump from TP2 to Arrive.....still no way to tether the Arrive?

I'll be keeping my TP2, so I guess I can swap it back onto my line for long car trips....but obviously that's not ideal.
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