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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2010, 03:47 PM
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Exclamation Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
WOW is there really no end to this fandroid idiocy? i mean DAMN! if you have something negative to say about WM and use it as an excuse to goto android keep it to yourself. this may be the phone that alot of us were looking forward to. i remember alot of people saying that they were always wanting a tp2 with those specs you listed, i think its great . its a shame that u have to come in here with that garbage. WHO GIVES A DAMN if it will be outdated, it is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to be totally up to date because everytime u buy a phone something better comes out immediately after so i guess ur beloved EVO is outdated too. but i dont hear u trashing it. maldito tipejo imbecil!!get the hell out of here with ur garbage

First let me tell you as the OP of the thread my intent was not to glorify android. Im really hesitant towards android ( I had a stock EPIC and took it back) I was hoping for WP7 to be the answer to my prayers I have a tp2 now but i want a bigger screen and better processor, GO look at the hundreds and thousands of threads of people asking for a tp2 form factor with a 4.3 or 4.1 inch screen and a tilting keyboard. To be honest I dont care if you give me win 6.5 as long as you give me 4.3 inch htc tilting keyboard with a msm8260 chipset Im going to dual boot it anyway. SPRINT and HTC FAILED EPICALLY with this TP7. I have people on the inside and these specs are final and this is considered a flagship wp7 world device, along with the launch being in the first week of march. Theres something about android i just dont like but with lackluster devices I might have to reconsider because early rumors on the EVO 2 are 1.3 ghz msm8260 releasing MARCH. HTC PLEASE GET YOUR $H!T together.

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  #52 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2010, 04:18 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

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  #53 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2010, 06:19 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

its nearly impossible to build a phone with a big screen and a keyboard. doing so results in a form factor like the Advantage X7500 and X7501. once again they say that WP7 will be fast so it doesnt matter what generation the processor is from the OS will fly and blow ANDROID away. your intentions may not have been to glorify android but threads like this still attract those kind of people. stop speaking fail on a device that has not even been released yet. you didnt see me saying that the epic or EVO were gonna fail before it was released, however i have seen more people with an HD2 than an EVO and epic combined. so whats that telling you? you are just a troll looking to start a flame war because you even got the specs wrong in ur first post by stating that it will have 8GB of storage when it will have at least 16GB so the device pretty much meets my requirements. if you dont like the device ur more than welcome to go for another manufacturer. just because u dont like it doesnt mean its going to fail.

Last edited by eric12341; 10-12-2010 at 06:24 PM.
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2010, 06:25 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
its nearly impossible to build a phone with a big screen and a keyboard. doing so results in a form factor like the Advantage X7500 and X7501. once again they say that WP7 will be fast so it doesnt matter what generation the processor is from the OS will fly and blow ANDROID away. your intentions may not have been to glorify android but threads like this still attract those kind of people. stop speaking fail on a device that has not even been released yet. you didnt see me saying that the epic or EVO were gonna fail before it was released, however i have seen more people with an HD2 than an EVO and epic combined
Not nearly impossible... The Epic is a 4" beast and it has a sliding keyboard and the whole thing is thinner than my TP2. I've handled it.
The Dell phone... I think is called the lighning also a 4 incher and it too has a keyboard.
The rest of your statement makes alot of sense. I wish the lightning was coming to Sprint.

Carry on.
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2010, 07:48 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
its nearly impossible to build a phone with a big screen and a keyboard. doing so results in a form factor like the Advantage X7500 and X7501. once again they say that WP7 will be fast so it doesnt matter what generation the processor is from the OS will fly and blow ANDROID away.
Gaming aside what makes it worse is the 65nm process which uses more battery life over the 45nm process. 45nm also helps in making the device thinner.

your intentions may not have been to glorify android but threads like this still attract those kind of people. stop speaking fail on a device that has not even been released yet.
Its fail because we were expecting better, nothing to do with actual performance or anything else..just in sheer specs we hoping for better :/

you didnt see me saying that the epic or EVO were gonna fail before it was released, however i have seen more people with an HD2 than an EVO and epic combined. so whats that telling you?
I don't know about the Epic but I'm 100% sure more EVOs were sold then HD2s easily...mostly since Sprint promoted in more. That said it tells nothing as WP7 is NOT WINDOWS MOBILE!

you are just a troll looking to start a flame war because you even got the specs wrong in ur first post by stating that it will have 8GB of storage when it will have at least 16GB so the device pretty much meets my requirements. if you dont like the device ur more than welcome to go for another manufacturer. just because u dont like it doesnt mean its going to fail.
Flamewars don't end well I guarantee you...If it meets your requirements thats great..but remember some people want to play games and do other things which might have higher requirements...everyone is entitled to their own opinion..we don't buy phones to make others happy/satisfied with our purchase.we buy it for ourselves to meet our own needs.

What most people are most likely ticked is usually if HTC releases that phone they may not have another one for a year and even if they do or another manufacturer releases it, sprint for one may not choose to release it.
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2010, 08:49 PM
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Exclamation Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
its nearly impossible to build a phone with a big screen and a keyboard. doing so results in a form factor like the Advantage X7500 and X7501. once again they say that WP7 will be fast so it doesnt matter what generation the processor is from the OS will fly and blow ANDROID away. your intentions may not have been to glorify android but threads like this still attract those kind of people. stop speaking fail on a device that has not even been released yet. you didnt see me saying that the epic or EVO were gonna fail before it was released, however i have seen more people with an HD2 than an EVO and epic combined. so whats that telling you? you are just a troll looking to start a flame war because you even got the specs wrong in ur first post by stating that it will have 8GB of storage when it will have at least 16GB so the device pretty much meets my requirements. if you dont like the device ur more than welcome to go for another manufacturer. just because u dont like it doesnt mean its going to fail.
First look at my post I dont care about storage that is NOT my concern, Please re-read SIR. YOU ARE A FAILURE because IF YOU READ my original post my points are screen size and the lack of a current generation processor, this phone is AN EPIC FAILURE TO ME due to it using almost 3 yrs old hardware a small screen when measured against its competitors wheres the innovation, Just because your hype off of two generation old hardware im not going to be hype, remember this phone is not coming out until march 2011 and it will be behind in technology more in march than it is now and its behind if it was released last month let alone march. You call me a troll, check my post all i use is wm6.5 and i dont like android, maybe you like second rate things in life I dont. So when Microsoft tells me they are going to change the phone game with innovation and devices like no other this SECOND RATE TP7 is no innovation. Its a shunken hd2 with a keyboard something people asked for before the hd2 came out anyway circa 2009 (If you remember everyone wanted this same chip in the original tp2 due to it having the tp1 chip. but now you give it to us in 2011 SUPER EPIC FAILURE.

Now the android beef you have, grow the hell up i dont like android i stated that in my op and in my last post but maybe you make up things or just see what you want and things that are not there.

So your 8gb or 16gb is not an issue TO ME although its still piss poor tech, I wont fill up 8gb i have a mp3 player for that so please re-read my post, Yea you and this failure of a device need each other.

Lastly i dont care if they sell 200 million of these its still an failure to me I think the iphone is a failure that dont mean the phone wont sell, you must be a paper pusher at work or something the device is a failure because its old tech really old and they pushing it so paper pushers like you buy it and think its the latest and greatest.

Have a nice day!
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2010, 08:53 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

whats a paper pusher?
Originally Posted by wilw
Stupid and angry is no way to go through life, son.

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  #58 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2010, 09:05 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by austin420 View Post
whats a paper pusher?
A person that looks at paperwork all day and has no office just a cubicle and no friends kinda like the guy from office space that was so concerned with his stapler
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2010, 09:08 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by kgnupe2 View Post
A person that looks at paperwork all day and has no office just a cubicle and no friends kinda like the guy from office space that was so concerned with his stapler
Well I do use the computer too!!
Oditius...(Samsung Mesmerize) US Cellular
The wife says I send too much time on the computer. But I am not on it when I sleep? So that can't be true!

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  #60 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2010, 09:51 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

1. Is this going to be a world phone with SIM card slot?
2. I notice the USB connector on the side of the phone. A really turn off for me.
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