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  #121 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2007, 01:01 AM
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Originally Posted by tiermann View Post
Is there anything in your .provxml file?
If not it may be something as simple as missing the save button after entering your settings.

If there is info in there, could you pm me a copy with your email and password(s) deleted?

Nope its MT except for an html wap code (open then close) with nothing between it.

Last edited by nickm; 11-18-2007 at 01:04 AM.
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  #122 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2007, 01:17 AM
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-Open a fresh OEMizer
-Change "OEM Name" to "Test_OEM"
-Try filling out your info one more time (just the pop3 section) and then click the save button in the pop3 panel itself, just above the account list.
-Hit "Create OEM" and go to your user_oem\Test_OEM folder
-Your provxml should have your info in it now. If so you can just copy it to your other OEM you've already created and you're good to go.
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  #123 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2007, 01:52 AM
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Originally Posted by tiermann View Post
-Open a fresh OEMizer
-Change "OEM Name" to "Test_OEM"
-Try filling out your info one more time (just the pop3 section) and then click the save button in the pop3 panel itself, just above the account list.
-Hit "Create OEM" and go to your user_oem\Test_OEM folder
-Your provxml should have your info in it now. If so you can just copy it to your other OEM you've already created and you're good to go.
That worked....
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  #124 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2007, 03:29 PM
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Very nice job on this, beats mine to a pulp : (. However, the majority of cabs I've seen are not XML based, and rather has a .000 file that describes it. In the interest of contributing something here, this is the structure of the .000 file to the best of my understanding:

All ids start at one.

The first 48 characters are garbage as far as I could tell, probably the version of the program that created them. I skip them.

The next section tells the number of different things. If you skip the first 48 characters, the next character will tell you the number of strings the cab uses. Skip one character, and it tells the number of directories. Skip one character, and it's the number of files. Skip one character, and it's the number of registry hives. Skip one character, and it's the number of registry keys. Skip one character, and it's the number of shortcuts.

I have no idea what the next 40 characters are, I skip them.

Strings of characters are terminated with 0s, obviously. So for these values I just read until I hit a 0:
The application name is immediately after the 40 characters I skipped.
The author's name is after the application name (just read until you reach a 0, then the next character is the first character of the author.)
The next section is the unsupported platforms, these are stupid and annoying, but they're there. I skip over these by looping until I find two 0s in a row.

Now the read pointer is at the list of strings. The format of the string is: the first character is the id of the string (0 up to the number of strings told before), skip one, the next character is the length of the string, skip one, and the next character is the first character of the string. Read up to length of the string given. Skip a character, repeat for the number of strings. The second string (id 1, I guess) is the InstallDir from the XML based cab files.

And now is the list of directories. I do some stuff here I do not understand, so I may start saying incorrect things for this section.
If you skip a character after the end of the last string, the pointer will be at the id of the first directory. Skip a character after that, and it will be on the length of the directory string. And then skip another character.
Now the pointer will be on a string id, that string is the top level directory name. Skip a character, and it will be on the secondary directory, etc.

Now is the file listing. If you skip a character after the last directory, the pointer will be on the id of the first file. If you skip a character after that, the pointer will be on the id of the directory it goes into. If you skip seven characters after that, the pointer will be on the length of the file name. Read all the characters for however long the string length says it is, and that's what the proper filename of the file currently named 000 or whatever should be.

Now you get to read the hives, hurray. If you skip a character after the last file name, the pointer will be on the id of the hive. If you skip a character, the pointer will be on the id of the root. I only found the ids of two roots, so: If root id is 1, then it's HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, else it's HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Yes, there's probably more and that's a hole in my knowledge. Now it's like the directory names, read a character and it's the id of a string. Skip a character, and there's another id of a string. All the string ids combine with the root to form a registry path.

Now it's time to read the registry keys. This is funky, I'll write this part later because I don't understand it at the moment. EDIT: Actually, I really don't understand what I did. There's the hive id, then there's a couple string ids that are the path of the key. But otherwise I'm very confused. It's in the method readRegistryKeys under BinaryCabType.java if you want to look at how I did it.

And last and least, it's time to read the shortcuts. If you skip 3 characters after the last character of the last registry key, you'll be at the directory id of the shortcut. This directory id might be 0, and if it is the next character is the id for one of those %blah% things. Skip three characters if the directory id is not 0, or read the next character to get the real directory id and then skip two characters. The id of the target file (name, I guess) is the character the read pointer is pointing at. Skip five characters after that, and you get the shortcut name id.

Supposedly, that's it.

This was all discovered by me staring at a hex editor for longer than it should have taken me, so there's probably something important I didn't notice. I'm a bit fuzzy on the details because I released this a long time ago. My disaster program's source (Java) is available under Apache -> New Core OEMs -> Roastpork_OEMs on the FTP, if you want to see how I badly dealt with the non-xml cabs. Someone deleted everything else related to it, so that's the only thing there. And yes, I do like having one comma per sentence.

Now go, and make my program look like a damned useless cave man.

Last edited by roastpork; 11-19-2007 at 12:29 AM. Reason: Oh the confusion.
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  #125 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2007, 11:29 AM
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Button Mapping still not working!

Originally Posted by 6700Yuma View Post
That should work. Just make sure you put \\ in every break never a single \.
I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong...(ANYONE PLEASE HELP)
the Button Mapping still does not work for me. I even tried making a settings for Mapping the buttons only, and everything flashes just fine, but when i press the buttons only to find the default of the kitchen. I used the \\ for every button, nothing.

let me what else do i need to do to make this work!
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Last edited by nico4k; 11-19-2007 at 11:39 AM.
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  #126 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2007, 09:29 PM
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Just wanted to post and say that the email setup for pop3 accounts work great now. The alternate SMTP settings work also. Thank so much tiermann for your work on this. I remember back when there were conversations that email settings for pop3 accounts being setup during ROM probably would not happen. I am glad we have the whiz kids out there. Thanks for your efforts.
Step by Step tutorial for unlocking your device and cooking your own ROM!!!

Feel free to if choose to do so.
My ROM for Verizon, Sprint, Alltel, US Cellular and Cricket 20931 Base!!

The THANKS button is over there------------------------------------------------>
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  #127 (permalink)  
Old 11-23-2007, 09:30 AM
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A Couple of small bugs

First of all Tiermann thanks for a great app.

I found the following bugs:

1. For the Exchange account there is no longer a checkbox to sync "Tasks". It used to be there in one of the previous builds.

2. The IE home page doesn't get set correctly

The app is writing the following:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Abouturls]

I think it should be writing this with the leading zero on the "home_0409"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Abouturls]

Keep up the great work.
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  #128 (permalink)  
Old 11-23-2007, 10:23 AM
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Tasks was never available in any build (yet anyway).

I fixed the PIE homepage for next release though. Thanks for finding that.
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  #129 (permalink)  
Old 11-24-2007, 02:35 PM
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This application is amazing and huge time saver - thanks!

I'm having an issue with the calibration. I set your software to skip calibation, but the calibration was so bad after a hard reset that I want to disable that feature. I've tried and tried, but can't get it to let me calibrate. I even deleted the .exe and config file and reinstalled the software, but nothing seems to be working. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?

syncTime = "False"
setSkipAutorun = "False"
setTZone = "(GMT-05:00) Eastern Standard Time"
setPreCalStylus = "False"
setSkipWelcome = "False"

setAutoRunCfg = "\Windows\Config.txt"
setAutoRunExe = "\Windows\Autorun.exe"
ConfigTxt = ""
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  #130 (permalink)  
Old 11-24-2007, 04:38 PM
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To get proper calibration:
After you calibrate your device manually, you need to export [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\TOUCH] and then copy the "CalibrationData" setting over the old one in the rgu. Then your screen will be calibrated just like you did it yourself every time. It can go in "Additional Reg Entries" as well to override the default.

All you have to do if you don't want to skip calibration is:
1) uncheck "Skip Welcome" and "Pre Calibrate Stylus"
2) Click "Create OEM"
3) Check the new OEM instead of the old one in buildOS

One of those steps you're leaving out.

Last edited by tiermann; 11-24-2007 at 04:40 PM.
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