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  #101 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2007, 10:34 AM
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Thanks for your help

Originally Posted by 6700Yuma View Post
nico4k, in order to map the buttons you must put the full path to the program you want mapped including double backslashes, like this: \\Windows\\VJCandelaLite.exe
i will try it today,
another question, will it work if i map the buttons to \\windows\\start menu\\programs\vjcandela\vjcandela On.lnk
let me know.
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  #102 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2007, 10:47 AM
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Cool Automatic Email checking

I noticed that the email is automatically set to check every so often. I would like to set it to manually, but the option is Grayed-out in the OEMizer, any ideas how i can overcome this?
it is very annoying that it checks like every half hour and the phones keeps coming out of sleep mode when it is in my pocket.
any help would be great,

This App is awsome!
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  #103 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2007, 11:23 AM
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Originally Posted by nico4k View Post
i will try it today,
another question, will it work if i map the buttons to \\windows\\start menu\\programs\vjcandela\vjcandela On.lnk
let me know.
That should work. Just make sure you put \\ in every break never a single \.
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  #104 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2007, 11:34 AM
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go it!

Originally Posted by 6700Yuma View Post
That should work. Just make sure you put \\ in every break never a single \.
Any word my second question? (check email every 30 Mins is Grayed-out (unselectable) in the OEMizer)??
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  #105 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2007, 12:50 PM
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Can't help there. If it's greyed out, then Tierman will have to help you.
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  #106 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2007, 01:22 PM
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Save on Exit does NOT Work!

Originally Posted by 6700Yuma View Post
Can't help there. If it's greyed out, then Tierman will have to help you.
OK i see.
What about saving all of the settings i created (shortcuts, Map Buttons, POP/IMAP4) and load them again on the OEMizer. (so i can edit as i need to. That way i dont have to retype all my shortcutst, email settings, & map buttons)? By the way, the Save on Exit does not keep all the settings!

Thakx for all your help
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  #107 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2007, 03:12 PM
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Originally Posted by nico4k View Post
OK i see.
What about saving all of the settings i created (shortcuts, Map Buttons, POP/IMAP4) and load them again on the OEMizer. (so i can edit as i need to. That way i dont have to retype all my shortcutst, email settings, & map buttons)? By the way, the Save on Exit does not keep all the settings!

Thakx for all your help
Tierman has already mentioned this will be addressed in a future release.

Originally Posted by tiermann View Post
Next release will save more of your settings in the ini file and I will go through the new provxml's to find the proper reg keys for the new data connections.
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  #108 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2007, 04:42 PM
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Lightbulb A couple of bugs....

OK, I just flashed my phone about a half-dozen times fiddling with things. I'm probably not done quite yet, but I think I'm gonna post what I've discovered so far...

Setting the theme doesn't seem to work. I set it to \Windows\Wm_black2.tsk which does exist, but that theme is definitely not loaded on first boot. I'm guessing the one that loads is the Windows default... it's kind-of a teal type color. If I go into Settings -> Today, the the Wm_black2 theme is selected. The only way to get it to use the Black theme seems to be to select another theme and then switch back.

The other issue I had was regarding the (it seems fairly new) email configuration sections. Fortunately, you included the URL to the MSDN article about email provisioning so I was able to figure out what to do go get my gmail account setup using IMAP. I didn't really take notes while I was making changes, but I think the following is a complete list of what I had to change:
  • NAME was listed as my email address rather than my full name. I'm not sure if you can (easily) pull that from owner info or not
  • REPLYADDR threw me at first as it's the only place to put your email address (I'm used to how in some mail clients you can have a from address and a reply to address)
  • AUTHREQURIED was set to True when I checked the box "Server Requires Authentication" (should the be labeled SMTP Server??). The correct value should be 1.
  • RETRIEVE and KEEPMAX were both -1 meaning it should all be downloaded. Being that storage and bandwidth can often be limited, I'd suggest better default are RETRIEVE=5120 (download 5KB of the message until the rest is requested) and KEEPMAX=0 (don't download the attachment unless requested). It might be nice to have those options listed in the UI, but I'd suggest at least using those defaults.
In addition to an IMAP4 mailbox, I also did the settings for Exchange. This left an invalid XML file with an extra set of <wap-provisioningdoc/> tags.

Also, the Exchange settings suffer from the same "Download it all" issue the IMAP section had.

Other than that, I'm really impressed with this app. It makes having a ROM that's ready for my use immediately after a hard reset that much closer to being a reality. Thanks a million!
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  #109 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2007, 12:42 AM
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Originally Posted by StarDestroyer View Post
  • NAME was listed as my email address rather than my full name. I'm not sure if you can (easily) pull that from owner info or not
  • REPLYADDR threw me at first as it's the only place to put your email address (I'm used to how in some mail clients you can have a from address and a reply to address)
  • AUTHREQURIED was set to True when I checked the box "Server Requires Authentication" (should the be labeled SMTP Server??). The correct value should be 1.
  • RETRIEVE and KEEPMAX were both -1 meaning it should all be downloaded. Being that storage and bandwidth can often be limited, I'd suggest better default are RETRIEVE=5120 (download 5KB of the message until the rest is requested) and KEEPMAX=0 (don't download the attachment unless requested). It might be nice to have those options listed in the UI, but I'd suggest at least using those defaults.
In addition to an IMAP4 mailbox, I also did the settings for Exchange. This left an invalid XML file with an extra set of <wap-provisioningdoc/> tags.

Also, the Exchange settings suffer from the same "Download it all" issue the IMAP section had.

Other than that, I'm really impressed with this app. It makes having a ROM that's ready for my use immediately after a hard reset that much closer to being a reality. Thanks a million!
A few things I have fixed which will be released later tonight...
-Added options for mail size and attachment size to pop3/IMAP4 and Mail2Web/Exchange.
-Fixed "Server Requires Authentication".
-Fixed "Check every". (No longer greyed out when it should be enabled)
-Fixed Mail2Web/Exchange provxml template. (no more double start/end tags).

One thing I can't fix yet..
-Username and Replyto are the only options available in "email2" provxml's as far as I can see. Name being another option but that's just the full name associated with the account.

I'm gonna get back to work so a couple more items save with your OEMizer ini and i'll have it out later tonight.

Last edited by tiermann; 11-15-2007 at 12:45 AM.
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  #110 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2007, 01:11 AM
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-Added options for mail size and attachment size to pop3/IMAP4
-Fixed "Server Requires Authentication".
-Fixed "Check every". (No longer greyed out when it should be enabled)
-Fixed Mail2Web/Exchange provxml template. (no more double start/end tags).
-Multi-line textboxes now save in your ini file. (Address, Additional Reg Entries, Autorun Config.txt, etc)

Last edited by tiermann; 11-15-2007 at 01:29 AM.
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