SPRINT ONLY!PPC-6700 Ring-through Bug/Data Roaming! (FIXED!)
This is for all ppc-6700s that are POST April 2006 and have the problem where a call cannot come through while using the internet.
UPDATE!: The patch also activates data roaming on the SPRINT PPC-6700
These phones are affected: PRI 1.14_003 and 1.16_003
Thanks for mjreddy for getting and sharing this. It is an UNOFFICIAL patch, so you know the risks involved....!
From luv2chill at pdaphonehome:
If you don't wish to install the entire update (causing you to have to hard reset your device) then you can gain back ring-thru functionality simply by applying the 1.18_003 PRI file with the small files I am attaching to this post in a zip file. There is a PPST.exe app and a Default.ppst PRI file. All you need to do is copy these two files over to your device (either with ActiveSync or via the miniSD card--or perhaps even over your phone's net connection). Then simply run the PPST.exe file from your phone. It will confirm that you want to proceed with the update. Click OK and wait a few seconds. The PRI will update and then the phone will soft reset. After that you should find that ring-thru now functions properly (The caller will hear approx. two rings before the 6700 rings). I tested this 4-5 times, both with streaming WMV files and with Slingbox, and incoming calls rang through every time.