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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2007, 01:41 PM
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Scratch on xv6700 screen

I have just bought a used xv6700 off ebay. All is going quite well. I have flashed it to Cricket and installed WM6

What I was not expecting was a scratched screen, as the seller assured me the screen would not be scratched.

My question is, can I solve the scratched screen problem by changing out the touch pad/digitizer that sits on top of the actual LCD screen... ie I'm thinking that this is the thing that is scratched, or would a scratch go through that and onto the LCd screen... hence requiring the replacement of the whole LCD screen with touchpad?

Now I know you are probably thinking, well we need to know how bad the scratch is before we give an answer, well the scratched are not very deep, and you can feel then slightly when you slide the stylus over them, they give a kind of gritty feel.

I'm hoping the scratches are just on the surface, so I only have to spend about $10 on ebay for a new touch pad/digitizer

I'd really appreciate your help

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2007, 05:43 PM
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i dont see why you couldnt but do you really want to? What I mean is do you really wanna go buy a new 'screen' and take the phone apart and replace it and put it back together, hoping you have done everything correct? Why not just go back to the seller and explain about him/her saying there were to be no scratches but in reality there are?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2007, 06:48 PM
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Having actually cut my screen, I think there's a protective plastic layer above the touchpad above the lcd. The top layer is bonded to whatever is under it, judging by pictures of internals. Also, I think the touchpad and LCD might be a single unit - but I have no clue. So, you could buy a replacement, spend an hour to replacing it yourself; send it to a service center for ($65?); or spend $3 and 30 seconds on a screen protector.

Of course, I'd follow weedahoe's advice first...it'd tick me off if the item I received was other than as advertised...but it does sound like your screen is just well used and not actually "cut" or "scratched".
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2007, 01:25 AM
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Screen wear haze repair.

Displex LCD Scratch 2000 is a rubbing cream scratch remover that normally sells for $20 for a small tube (about the size of the small sample toothpastes), but is on sale now at exchange cellular for $4.95. I'll let you know how well it works when I try it out in about a week. None of my treos' screens ever scratched, but my apache has a bunch of hazy pocks on it that cannot be felt. I am totally dissapointed in the durability of the touchscreen. I've heard good things on other forums so I have high hopes. Supposedly, it even works on scratches like you described. If it works, I will quickly cover the repair with a screen protector. If not, I may look into having the screen replaced. Have you already repaired or replaced your screen? You posted three months ago.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2007, 10:03 PM
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thanks for replying to the thread
I have replaced the screen, it was a nightmare and very fiddly, but i finally managed to do it.

I would be interested in hearing how it goes though

Good luck
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