Originally Posted by computercarl
Originally Posted by fablife
Hi phoenx06 -
I would so appreciate this as I have downloaded Helmi's kitchen but have not worked up the courage to start cooking yet as I have 3 kids and cant devote the needed time to do it. If you are able to, I would like to see some of the following:
- Optimized for speed and stability!
- Resco Explorer 2007
- SPB Mobile Shell
- SPB PHone Suite (seems to be the most stable of it's kind, atleast for me)
- Safemode (this has helped me alot in the past)
- SPB Backup (or something similar - again works great for me)
- Weatherpanel
- WA2 (or 3  )
- Core Player
- MultieIE or Pie+
- Memmaid or sktools
- midlet manager
- Live Search
- Resco Photo Viewer (or something similar)
- SPB Diary
- Ext_ROM unlocked
- Updated Calculator skin
- UI Tweaker
- WM5new Menu
- Calendar+
- Threaded SMS
- Winrar
- Some cool arcade games like Missle defense and Asteroids
Thats all I can think of right now 
And in the time that took to write, you could have made and flashed on the rom! 
Perhaps it did, I would not know. Maybe it is easy very easy to build my own - however the part I would have to find time for is reading the 40+ word document. after sitting in front of a computer for most of the day at work - I rather come home and play with my kids (I am a strong believer in a work/life balance especially with a 5, 2 and 5 month old).
I will eventually get around to doing building my own - but for now, there are so may good ones to choose from, I might as well use what is there.
phoenx06 asked the questions and I answered.