These devices are surprisingly resilient when it comes to things like getting wet. Since there are very few moving parts (the buttons and keys are all Hall effect sensors, I believe) there isn't much that can go wrong mechanically. Do what the post above says... open it up, take the battery out, and let it thoroughly dry. If you have an air conditioner it wouldn't hurt to leave the phone near it... a/c cooled air is very dry and will speed the process. Several years ago I lost my Moto numeric pager while shoveling snow... found it a few weeks later in what was left of a melting snowbank. Brought it inside, took the battery out, let it dry thoroughly, put the battery back in, charged it up, and it was good as new. |
My son had a 8100 one time that he forgot to take out of his pocket and I didn't check before I washed them. So needless to say when I took the clothes out there was a extremely clean 8100. It was useless or so I thought. I let it dry for a day and like you said some of the buttons didn't want to work but everything else did. I let it dry for a few more days (battery out) and it worked good as new.
![]() However, my hubs dropped is 8200 in the tub for just a quick sec and it was toast. Never returned.....lol
***JESUS*** Light of the World
glad to hear everything worked out in the end.. i would hate to drop my phone in the lake.
MM 6.5.x OF 05/01/10 PPC History >> Axim X5, Axim X3, Axim X3i, PPC6700, HTC Titan, HTC Touch Pro 2 |
Its amazing how durable these PDAs are...
PDAs and Nokias seem to be the way to go for durability. I've dropped mine plenty of times... from some pretty bad heights... and there aren't any scratches or anything. Hell, I don't even use a screen protector... and all I have to do is clean the screen every now and then. Its not even scratched and its been about 9 months! |
The trick I've always heard is to immediately soak the device in 99% rubbing alcohol for about 5 minutes (battery out of course) and then let it dry for a day or two. The alcohol will cause the water to evaporate faster and leave you with a clean and dry device.
Soak like SOAK????? Hmm....
Where can i get this 90% alcohol i keep hearing about? I wanna get some for my service center. People bring in their wet phones all the time and i usually take them apart and scrub them down with alcohol using a toothbrush. Sometimes its works, sometimes not, but I hear this 90% stuff will work a lot better |
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