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  #191 (permalink)  
Old 06-16-2007, 09:00 PM
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I found one problem:

Start->Programs and scroll down to the end of window, the system lock up and does not response any command. Need to do a soft reset to recovery. This is the first time I see this problem and I do not know if this only happen on my 6700. Any way I can avoid this lock up problem? Thanks.
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  #192 (permalink)  
Old 06-16-2007, 09:05 PM
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Originally Posted by dho97
I found one problem:

Start->Programs and scroll down to the end of window, the system lock up and does not response any command. Need to do a soft reset to recovery. This is the first time I see this problem and I do not know if this only happen on my 6700. Any way I can avoid this lock up problem? Thanks.
Please follow J's instructions:

- Please state wich CARRIER ROM you are using (sprint/verizon/alltel/generic)

- Do you have any other programs on the handset that are NOT part of the ROM?

I am running a Verizon ROM and can not reproduce your issue
verizon 6700
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  #193 (permalink)  
Old 06-16-2007, 09:51 PM
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I found one problem:

Start->Programs and scroll down to the end of window, the system lock up and does not response any command. Need to do a soft reset to recovery. This is the first time I see this problem and I do not know if this only happen on my 6700. Any way I can avoid this lock up problem? Thanks.
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  #194 (permalink)  
Old 06-16-2007, 11:12 PM
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Originally Posted by rabbler
Sorry for being new at this. I just flashed to the new rom this morning, everything appears to be just great, except the bluetooth.

I just want to clarify what the bluetooth issues are, and make sure I am not complaining about something that cant be fixed. When I pickup a call with my Motorola HS850, as my girlfriend says, it sounds like I am crumbling up a paper bag. I haven't had a dropped call yet mainly because the person on the other end complains so I just turn the thing off. I am still having these issues.

Consequently, does my headset just suck? Is there a working headset that DOES work well with ppc6700?

I have Sprint and the most current rom from JBabey.

Thanks for all of the effort on this rom, it does make all the difference on this phone.
I have not flashed this ROM and am still on 1.6u of BigJs since I am getting ready to go out the country for a couple weeks and want it stabilized for awhile. I have used most of BigJs ROM since 9.5 version and have never had a any BT problems except PAN which is still not working for me.

I use the Planronics 510 BT headset and highly recommend it. It tried many of the others including the one you are using and they were all crap with the 6700. I get over 95% reliability voice dailing with over 1200 contracts on this ROM. I also use this headset with VOIP client software to make Wifi calls with the 6700. The quality is better than cellphone.
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  #195 (permalink)  
Old 06-16-2007, 11:40 PM
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Originally Posted by fitbryan
Originally Posted by dho97
I found one problem:

Start->Programs and scroll down to the end of window, the system lock up and does not response any command. Need to do a soft reset to recovery. This is the first time I see this problem and I do not know if this only happen on my 6700. Any way I can avoid this lock up problem? Thanks.
Please follow J's instructions:

- Please state wich CARRIER ROM you are using (sprint/verizon/alltel/generic)

- Do you have any other programs on the handset that are NOT part of the ROM?

I am running a Verizon ROM and can not reproduce your issue
Thanks。 I used sprint rom. Yes, you are right, the rom itself is fine. The problem was caused by skype beta software which caused the system to lock up. I will try to download newer version to see if I still have problem.
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  #196 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2007, 01:00 AM
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I hope this is the right topic to be posting this question under.
I downloaded Bigj's kitchen and also the Unified kitchen and read all the instructions and have not been able to figure out something that I would like to do.
There are OEMs in the Unified that i want to use and OEMs in Js that I want to use. Is there an easy way to make all the OEMs from both show up in the BuildOS?
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  #197 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2007, 01:48 AM
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Originally Posted by nikonx
I hope this is the right topic to be posting this question under.
I downloaded Bigj's kitchen and also the Unified kitchen and read all the instructions and have not been able to figure out something that I would like to do.
There are OEMs in the Unified that i want to use and OEMs in Js that I want to use. Is there an easy way to make all the OEMs from both show up in the BuildOS?
Just grab them out of my kitchens /OEM/ folder and put them into the other kitchens, it will show up, i created seperate option.xml files for every single OEM in there.


- IM+ Today plugin, ya same issue here. The webpage states that 4..36 fixes the today-screen plugin, but its not working for me. Ill keep my eye on their forums and see if i cant get it fixed.

- Bluetooth pretty much sucks all around on this handset. The best ones I have found to work great are the plantronics headsets. They have the best clarity, good battery life, and good range. Aside from that, motorola makes a tiny one that sticks right into your ear that my co-worker uses and my assistant manager uses the old skool sony bt608.

all the rest that we sell (samsungs/sprintbranded/etc.) all pretty much suck. sorry, thats just life for bluetooth.

Thanks so much for the tips on the phone number connection. Sprint does not need a password so i didnt assume that vz did. Well sprint DOES but its sent automatically with no need to edit it in.

Does anyone reading this know of a way I can QUERY that information and have it auto-put it in there.... or wich cab file SPECIFICALLY in your ext.rom puts that in? If i knew the cab i have a dirty little trick i can do on the next build to get that to go in an OEM package.


Thanks for the feedback, it looks good so far and that makes me happy!
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  #198 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2007, 03:03 AM
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J it is beyond good. You absolutely nailed it. I've been running it for a day now, not a single hiccup. It runs smoothly, and everything works like a charm. Well done, congratulations
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  #199 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2007, 03:08 AM
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Thanks so much for the tips on the phone number connection. Sprint does not need a password so i didnt assume that vz did. Well sprint DOES but its sent automatically with no need to edit it in.

Does anyone reading this know of a way I can QUERY that information and have it auto-put it in there.... or wich cab file SPECIFICALLY in your ext.rom puts that in? If i knew the cab i have a dirty little trick i can do on the next build to get that to go in an OEM package.

Thanks for the feedback, it looks good so far and that makes me happy![/quote]

Customize_105201.sa.CAB - Installs files and makes Registry settings:
Setup Proxy for Data Network
Setup Data Network (#777)
Add 2 VZW Certificates.
VZW default home page for Browser
Copy epst2.epst into \Windows (Activation Wizard data file?)
Remove Windows Media link from start menu
Add Phone Settings help htm to \Windows
Add Downloads link to start menu (handango)
Add network service settings
Add Handango to Favorites
Add TTY Mode settings to Services
Set version (overwritten later) "1.05.201 WWE"
Modify reg entries under HKCU\Control Panel\PhoneExtentFunction\CDMA:
Set Call Forwarding disabled
Set Call Waiting disabled
Set SMS disabled
Set Internet disabled
Set Bcsms disabled
phone # setup:
#778 - EPST ##778
#7764726 - EPST ##7764726
#374 - EPST ##374
#775 - EPST ##775
4357 - EPST ##4357
#33284 - FieldTrial
#3328873 - EPST ##3328873
#3424 - DMRouter
Enable SMS Delvery Ack
Enable SMS Recv Time Stamp
Set HKLM\SOFTWARE\HTC\Camera\P3\Enable to 1
Set HKLM\Services\WirelessMgr\MutexFlag to 1 (the hated MUTEX - reset later)
Location Phone Services setup
Keylock Enable? (HKLM\HARDWARE\OEM\KEYBRD\Keylock=1)

Obviously alot of the above is junk, but the first few entries should do the trick I believe....
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  #200 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2007, 08:37 AM
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Use of Kitchen

I'm rather new to the board. I'm going to install BigJ's latest rom. Do I also need to install a kitchen? Does the latest rom include support for bluetooth keyboards? I want to continue to use Slingbox and the ppc6700 as a wireless usb modem. Any problem doing this with the latest rom? Also, how would I revert to my original rom if I had to? Thanks.
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