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Old 06-17-2007, 01:48 AM
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Originally Posted by nikonx
I hope this is the right topic to be posting this question under.
I downloaded Bigj's kitchen and also the Unified kitchen and read all the instructions and have not been able to figure out something that I would like to do.
There are OEMs in the Unified that i want to use and OEMs in Js that I want to use. Is there an easy way to make all the OEMs from both show up in the BuildOS?
Just grab them out of my kitchens /OEM/ folder and put them into the other kitchens, it will show up, i created seperate option.xml files for every single OEM in there.


- IM+ Today plugin, ya same issue here. The webpage states that 4..36 fixes the today-screen plugin, but its not working for me. Ill keep my eye on their forums and see if i cant get it fixed.

- Bluetooth pretty much sucks all around on this handset. The best ones I have found to work great are the plantronics headsets. They have the best clarity, good battery life, and good range. Aside from that, motorola makes a tiny one that sticks right into your ear that my co-worker uses and my assistant manager uses the old skool sony bt608.

all the rest that we sell (samsungs/sprintbranded/etc.) all pretty much suck. sorry, thats just life for bluetooth.

Thanks so much for the tips on the phone number connection. Sprint does not need a password so i didnt assume that vz did. Well sprint DOES but its sent automatically with no need to edit it in.

Does anyone reading this know of a way I can QUERY that information and have it auto-put it in there.... or wich cab file SPECIFICALLY in your ext.rom puts that in? If i knew the cab i have a dirty little trick i can do on the next build to get that to go in an OEM package.


Thanks for the feedback, it looks good so far and that makes me happy!
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