I've attempted to deal with this issue myself, but I have to tell you, removing the outlook e-mail section from messaging is easy to do from the registry, but once removed, your messaging will be unstable and randomly lock up, it's integrated into the functionality of activesync, what I ended doing was just removing the friendly name so now it just says ActiveSync instead of outlook e-mail.
The keys are in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Svc What's funny is that messaging will seem to work fine without Outlook E-Mail for a day or two, then it will lock up randomly and then just fail to load completely. Importing the keys back and soft resetting magically make messaging work perfectly again. Good luck. |
Allright so I did the registry thing... I backed up the entire registry first, Just In Case 8^) I'll get back to you guys on how it works. I'm wondering something else I have palmSMS and now on the mail client it doesn't show text message maybe that palmSMS application does a registry thing to take it out of the list without deleting the registry keys. Since I saw that it was still there in the registry... Maybe same thing can be applied here on the active sync account to "Hide" it...
I'm new so if what I'm saying it's like way nuts or doesn't make sense feel free to yell at me ... |
Yeah if somebody knows of a registry setting to hide (not remove) the activesync/outlook e-mail entry in messaging that would be quite useful to me and I'm sure many others.
Also, I noticed even when there was no activesync associations on the device, most of the messaging lockups were caused by activesync, then messaging would fail to load up. It's definately something integrated into activesync. I'll try some common Hide keys and if one works I'll let ya know. If someone else has information on it, please share! |
if you are just using the inbox application to check your gmail, why not just use mail2web (its free, and its push)? i use it for my gmail accounts, as well as my university email, and it works great! then all your email goes into your outlook email account, and gets sent to your phone as soon as it gets sent to your email address!
The three most dangerous things in the world are a programmer with a soldering iron, a hardware type with a software patch and a user with an idea
Well, last I checked mail2web forces you to use their email address as your return address on sent mail. On gmail, I can set whatever "from" address I want, as long as I confirm I have control over it.
I don't mind so much personally that it's there, however, SPB Phone Suite opens it by default (even though my pop3 is set as default) when I click on email, which pisses me off. |
Re: Outlook Email
So this thread is kindof old, but anyone who might stumble across it, here is the solution:
Disconnect your PPC from the USB cable or other PC connection. Open Start=>Programs=>ActiveSync on the PPC. Hit menu=>Options... Uncheck E-Mail and you will be prompted to remove all outlook email messages from the device. Select Yes and the annoying redundant Outlook Email goes bye bye and all you are left with is any secondary email accounts such as hotmail. You are now left with an option to set up a new email account. |
Re: Outlook Email
i dont even have an account setup under outlook email .. not sure why its even showing up when i hit mail button on phonealarm it takes me right to outlook email, then i have to navigate to the correct yahoo accounts i have created...! |
Re: Outlook Email