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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 04-25-2007, 02:31 AM
boubert's Avatar
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"UP THE CREEK" I dont think so!!

well I'm currently having the same probs with Sprint except i was given three options take the Tree 700cs, the Motorola Q, or hang out till the 6800 hits of course i b#$&@ed and moaned about what was I paying for Insurance for and all and all I got was take it or leave it.

well not being one to take that lying down I agreed to wait till the 6800 comes out [ they say they will call me ] and with that I quickly tucked my little panty hamster away pulled up my pants and left. now this should be the end of my story BUT and there is always a but this morning I called UTStarcom and guess what its under a year old so there sending me a remanufactured one it should be here in about a week and i still have the 6800 coming from Sprint I'll decide whitch one to keep later

so don't settle for the E-Mail server they are trying to give us in place of our PPC'S just call the manufacturer and let there warranty cover it
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 04-25-2007, 07:39 AM
rickpub's Avatar
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They just sent me a NEW 6700 last week

My screen cracked during a fall and Sprint sent me a spanking NEW one last week... So you may have gotten screwed...
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2007, 12:20 PM
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For everyone bashing insurance here, the reason I have it is my phones love the seats of cabs. I am not sure why, but like the user who's 6700 tried to hug the airline ticket before he could get to it (sidenote---hysterical comparison by the way! ), my 6700 likes to take cab rides with strangers. For the life of me, I can't keep the damned thing in my pocket. All I had to do is call Lockline and for $50 I get a refurbed one. From what I know, you can't bing nothing into a Sprint repair store and walk out with a 6700, unless there is a secret I don't know about...

That's pretty much the only reason to get insurance. As other users have noted, you can get it fixed in lieu of buying a replacement one.
Device History: PPC 6800 (Mogul) < PPC 6700 < PPC 6600 < iPAQ 2200 Series < Palm 505 < Pen & Paper

A mass of tears have transformed to stones now sharpened on suffering and woven into slings...
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