GPS icon is not needed unless you want to use more than one GPS program with it at the same time, or with browser based apps like google maps.
1. Pair the GPS using its Bluetooth pairing directions 2. Under Settings-->Connections--> Bluetooth go to the com ports tab 3. Select New Outgoing port 4. Select the Holux device. 6. Chose a port (COM 6 should be free) 7. IN your GPS app set it to look at that com port. |
no i have iguidance...and yes i had to select a different com port...put on com port 5, a little patience and boom, it connected! now i know where i am going, thanks guys. any idea on how high the baud rate should be? or maybe i should be happy with how its working and not screw things up! thanks again!! love gps
Very useful tool when on vacation or you need to find an address in a odd part of town. |
i am a ppc user with a xv6700 from verizon and i too could never get my 3.0 to see my globalsat 359 even though it was working perfectly with msn livesearch. i have heard that wm5 doesnt work with autodetect and that iguidance needs to be paired with the gps each time on startup....so if autodetect doesnt work on this then how is pairing accomplished if the baud and com ports are already set when the app is turned on? i dont know bc i have never gotten the gps/sat page to show me green satelites for more than 3 seconds. the software has yet to work long enough for me to try having it guide me. I have a 2000 mile trip across the country i am about to make and desperately need to get this working.
Since i couldnt make 3.0 work (which i am sure it has something to do with my phone or something since it is working for everyone else....running colonels 3.3 custom), i uninstalled on both the ppc and pc (per the instructions mentioned in this thread. when i went to install 3.1 it didnt install to my phone so i was left with 3.1 but not on my phone. i uninstalled and now every time i try to install 3.1 or 3.0 i see the modify/repair/unistall screen as if the software installer sees the previous installation. I have checked the programs folder and the application data folders and all signs of the software are gone...but still add/remove says that iguidance is still there...at least .95mb. i cant find it anywhere on my system. assuming i can get this fixed i can reinstall but then i need ot figure how why my gps is not being seen by iguidance. any thoughts? would be VERY VERY appreciated. |
i do know that i had manage gps checked. i did have the gps icon showing and was using it. as to using livesearch at the same time i did only for a short time but most of the time i didnt have it running so i find it unlikely as the culprit.
Once i get the dang program loaded i will try those settings again tho i think i had those all set that way at one time as i played with it for almost all day. my problem now is that i cant get it installed on my phone even when i used another computer.....it told me installation unsuccessful. semsons told me they would give me just the applet for the wm5 ppc but they havent sent it yet and i am getting nervous. luckily once i get the app on the phone and assuming i can get the app to see my gps i should be good to go on the maps since i left them on the phone when upgrading to 3.01. i checked all the programs folders for remnants and no love. i also checked the application data and there were no leftover files there that would keep it from installing a fresh copy......but this doesnt explain why the installation failed on my laptop and why it wouldnt allow me to try another install. thoughts? any chance anyone can send me the applet(just the cab files for 3.1......i have the maps and the part installed on my laptop at least)? i would have thought the two cab files included in the setup install of the disc would work but they didnt when i tried installing those. i would really appreciate some help here since i am leaving in a day or two and would love to see my money i spent on this go to good use. Semsons seems to think i will need to roll back my computer but i am not sure i have a save point going back to a day or two ago and i just formatted my computer.....they think the registry is corrupted and thus the reason for seeing that there are files left when looking at add/remove and thus not allowing for a fresh install onto my computer and phone. thanks so much for any help. !!!! i also seem to be hearing so many different things about which com port and which baud rate to use. (many keep saying 38400 but i think i only have something close (33600)and not that exact number in the gps app on the xv6700, maybe it is bc they are using what they have on their pda but maybe they dont have a phone ppc). normally i would be able to run the cabs from activesync but i cant seem to find them leftover, if anyone is positive they will work and i am just missing them please tell me where to find the cabs from the initial installs....i would even take a 3.0 cab at this point bc i have to have something to drive from VA to utah with. |