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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2008, 07:01 AM
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Re: New to PPC and xv6700

What? A phone club? A PPC club? Uh........not trying to be mean but that doesnt sounds like a chick magnet to me. Especially with a device that has as many years on it as the 67
Loving my rooted Droid X
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2008, 01:26 PM
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Re: New to PPC and xv6700

Originally Posted by weedahoe View Post
What? A phone club? A PPC club? Uh........not trying to be mean but that doesnt sounds like a chick magnet to me. Especially with a device that has as many years on it as the 67
I love this forum. You guys are a lot of fun.

As long as we're straying away from the original intent of my post, and as long as we're all trying to do anything else but work,

1. How old is the 67 anyway?

2. Is the 68 more of a "chick magnet"? Even with the 67 having that firm little antenna bud erecting from the top of the unit which seems to have been castrated from the 68? (For those of you girls/women out there reading this, no offense whatsoever intended. Just having a little fun with words. I'm a guy, and as you well know, guys can be totally stupid and immature with words sometimes.)

3. How many of you would trade the 67 for the 68 in a heartbeat and why? (I'm sure that question alone may prompt some of you to send me a T-shirt that says, "this moron sure knows nothing about ppc phones")

4. I love trying to make aging equipment perform as good or better as new "out of the box" stuff. I have a Pentium III 600MZ computer, W2k, 768RAM tweaked so well that with most routines, it will beat the pants off my other P4 2.2GHZ XP 512RAM. Are there any of you out there that have configured/overclocked your 67 so well that it matches or exceeds the performance of an "out of the box" 68?

5. "Chick magnet?!" Haaaa! I'm a 47 year old, happily married man, father of 5 (most of which--happily--still living under my roof; all great kids, don't look forward to any leaving home), 70 pounds overweight. Anything intentional on my part in an attempt to become a "chick magnet" would probably land my wife on the floor--fully clothed--rolling in laughter. (None of this is in any way related to the first sentence in item 4 above, so don't read too much into it, OK? Unless of course, you just want to have a little clean fun...with words.)

TO FORUM MODERATOR/ADMINISTRATOR: Thanks for allowing my thread to live beyond the first post. (Much unlike PDAPhoneHome; though I did leave there with on-going PMs from a very helpful individual. Not badmouthing PDAPhoneHome at all, since I understand the benefit of keeping forums neat and clean and void of duplicate threads and the administrator did offer to help with specific questions I may have.)
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2008, 01:48 PM
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Re: New to PPC and xv6700

OK, back to more serious post related questions from this "knows very little" newbie:

weedahoe, at the end of your reply and what seems to be a profile of your phone, you write, "VZW xv6700 @ 624Mhz, Kirvin C&S 3.5, ROM 2.11.20, Radio 1.43.00, Ext ROM 2.07.200, PRL 51020, PRI 1.12_002 PIEPlus v2.2 & Piscel v1." Part of this I understand as: Verizon carrier, overclocked 67 CPU from 400+Mhz to 624Mhz, a Kitchen cooked ROM by Kirwin, etc, etc.... so, (anyone can answer)

1. What are the negative impacts of the overclocked CPU? How do you deal with the battery charge issue and the warmer, energy thirsty 624Mhz?

2. Kitchen ROMs. How safe are they? Can you recommend one that is stable and optimized for speed? Is Kirvin C&S 3.5 the best out there? If so, how do I get it?

3. What does the other stuff mean? (ROM 2.11.20, Radio 1.43.00, Ext ROM 2.07.200, PRL 51020, PRI 1.12_002 PIEPlus v2.2 & Piscel v1)

No urgency in responding to this. I won't be getting to tweaking around with my phone for a while. If there is a thread that you're aware answers these questions, feel free to point me in that direction.

Thanks again for the attention you've all given to my comments in such a short time.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2008, 01:53 PM
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Re: New to PPC and xv6700

1. I have gotten frequent lockups on hot days. And it does eat more battery.

2. The ROM he is using is a WM5, he hates 6. If you want WM5, go with what he is using. If you want 6, use BuildOS and cook it up.

3. Radio 1.43 is the version of radio software, PRL is the preferred roaming list which is basically a list of all the cell towers so the phone knows how to find them.
For the love of God, SEARCH before asking!
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2008, 07:45 PM
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Re: New to PPC and xv6700

Originally Posted by romeroom View Post
I love this forum. You guys are a lot of fun.
We try…….

Originally Posted by romeroom View Post
1. How old is the 67 anyway?
Well its about 2+ yrs old at least….

Originally Posted by romeroom View Post
2. Is the 68 more of a "chick magnet"? Even with the 67 having that firm little antenna bud erecting from the top of the unit which seems to have been castrated from the 68? (For those of you girls/women out there reading this, no offense whatsoever intended. Just having a little fun with words. I'm a guy, and as you well know, guys can be totally stupid and immature with words sometimes.)
LOL @ your disclaimer…..is the 68 more than the 67. I don’t think so. There is little physical difference that would make one SO MUCH better than the other.

Originally Posted by romeroom View Post
3. How many of you would trade the 67 for the 68 in a heartbeat and why? (I'm sure that question alone may prompt some of you to send me a T-shirt that says, "this moron sure knows nothing about ppc phones")
Each one has its advantages and disadvantages. The 68 has more RAM but cannot be OCed whereas the 67 can easily be OCed up to 624 and still be stable.

Originally Posted by romeroom View Post
4. I love trying to make aging equipment perform as good or better as new "out of the box" stuff. I have a Pentium III 600MZ computer, W2k, 768RAM tweaked so well that with most routines, it will beat the pants off my other P4 2.2GHZ XP 512RAM. Are there any of you out there that have configured/overclocked your 67 so well that it matches or exceeds the performance of an "out of the box" 68?
Uh, my 67 cant compete with my quadcore (2.66Mhz & 1333FSB w/12mb on L2) and 3Gb RAM. However, my 67 does run nice and smooth.

Originally Posted by romeroom View Post
5. "Chick magnet?!" Haaaa! I'm a 47 year old, happily married man, father of 5 (most of which--happily--still living under my roof; all great kids, don't look forward to any leaving home), 70 pounds overweight. Anything intentional on my part in an attempt to become a "chick magnet" would probably land my wife on the floor--fully clothed--rolling in laughter. (None of this is in any way related to the first sentence in item 4 above, so don't read too much into it, OK? Unless of course, you just want to have a little clean fun...with words.)
Im not too far behind on most of those comments.

Originally Posted by romeroom View Post
1. What are the negative impacts of the overclocked CPU? How do you deal with the battery charge issue and the warmer, energy thirsty 624Mhz?
There are always consequences to OC’ing but I have never heard of anyone having any issues with the 67 from doing it. I myself as you all know) run at 624 and have been this way for a long time. At normal idle it doesn’t get warm. It doesn’t get warm throughout the day of me using the phone and heavily texting. My battery consumption isnt that bad either. However I do keep a charger at work and in the car and at home. Now if I use WiFi, then it will get warm and the battery will go quick.

Originally Posted by romeroom View Post
2. Kitchen ROMs. How safe are they? Can you recommend one that is stable and optimized for speed? Is Kirvin C&S 3.5 the best out there? If so, how do I get it?
No one builds and namd brands their ROMs anymore since the Kitchens were released and pretty bug free. I have used others ROMs and have always went back to the one I use now.

Originally Posted by romeroom View Post
3. What does the other stuff mean? (ROM 2.11.20, Radio 1.43.00, Ext ROM 2.07.200, PRL 51020, PRI 1.12_002 PIEPlus v2.2 & Piscel v1)
All of these are version numbers that can be found in Start -> Settings -> System -> Device Info. PIE+ and Picsel are internet browers.

Originally Posted by jabu View Post
1. I have gotten frequent lockups on hot days. And it does eat more battery.
No lock ups or BSoD for me.

Originally Posted by jabu View Post
2. The ROM he is using is a WM5, he hates 6. If you want WM5, go with what he is using. If you want 6, use BuildOS and cook it up.
Agreed here. Its not that I hate WM6 its just there for most people it is a case of false competition for “show and tell”. Many people have issues with WM6 after cooking when it comes to stabilty or texting or Bluetooth or encryption on WiFi or other issues. WM6 is a great OS but the 67 doesn’t have the hardware to take advantage of what it offers.

Originally Posted by jabu View Post
3. Radio 1.43 is the version of radio software, PRL is the preferred roaming list which is basically a list of all the cell towers so the phone knows how to find them.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2008, 07:57 PM
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Re: New to PPC and xv6700

In all fairness, I hate wm6 also. It loses its screen calibration and the damn sms locks up on me every couple days.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2008, 08:30 PM
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Re: New to PPC and xv6700

weedahoe, Where can I get information on the ROM you're using? Where do I get it? What does that ROM (Kirvin C&S 3.5?) to improve on the dafault ROM the 67 comes with out of the box from Verizon?
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2008, 06:01 PM
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Re: New to PPC and xv6700

Yea WM6 and 6.1 is by far the worst of them all. There are pros and cons to WM5 and WM6. As for me tho im just not sure but i would like to go back to 5. As for now im taking a break from WM and using a BB (Blackberry). Altough i would have loved to of used the 6800.

(Sprint, Verizon, T-Mobile and At&T SUCK!) Alltel RULES!!!!!
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