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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2008, 02:51 PM
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Re: MiniSD problem - Help!

Its not rocket science, its basic rule of isolation.

So you have 2 different phones with 2 different ROMs and they are doing the same huh? With the same card or two different cards? I gave you screenshots above on the details on my card showing you they were FAT16. IDK if FAT32 will personally as I have never had to try it. If you are using the same card then maybe that is the issue. f you are using two different cards in two different phones with two different ROMs and getting the same then I would say you still need to try another card because you still have an issue somewhere and you cannot tell where it is. It would be more cheap to borrow or replace ther card than it would be to add a 3rd phone into the equation.

What ROMs are you using BTW? Are they OEM or self-cooked? Has either device been freshly hard reset or is are there 3rd party apps installed?
Loving my rooted Droid X
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2008, 01:13 AM
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Re: MiniSD problem - Help!

Originally Posted by weedahoe View Post
Its not rocket science, its basic rule of isolation.

So you have 2 different phones with 2 different ROMs and they are doing the same huh? With the same card or two different cards? I gave you screenshots above on the details on my card showing you they were FAT16. IDK if FAT32 will personally as I have never had to try it. If you are using the same card then maybe that is the issue. f you are using two different cards in two different phones with two different ROMs and getting the same then I would say you still need to try another card because you still have an issue somewhere and you cannot tell where it is. It would be more cheap to borrow or replace ther card than it would be to add a 3rd phone into the equation.

What ROMs are you using BTW? Are they OEM or self-cooked? Has either device been freshly hard reset or is are there 3rd party apps installed?

I tried with the stock Verizon firmware and a cooked WM6 one.

Funny thing is the cards work just fine in a Moto Q.

Maybe I should buy an 4GB or 6GB card and be done with it.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2008, 01:51 AM
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Re: MiniSD problem - Help!

If the cards work in another device 99% probability its the phone not the card. Now this could just be a compatibility issue too. IE remember when some burned cd did not work in all car stereo's etc.. They were both fine just "not quite compatible"

IE get a different brand.
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