Originally Posted by colonel
Originally Posted by Jmckinney1976
I am having two issues so far:
1. PIEPlus says it's expired as soon as I boot up for some reason, even though I am entering the correct date.
2. My ppc is freezing for no apparent reason. Last night it froze at 5:00AM while charging
In regards to PIEplus, what do you mean by the correct date? Don't know about the freezing. Were you running any apps or have anything running from the SD? Also, your question about the .dll, when did this error occur? Were you trying to run something when it appeared?
re: PIEPlus, I read somewhere that it's important that you put the correct date when you hard reset. Otherwise PIEPlus (or other trial software) uses the default date (2/2006) and thinks the trial has expired when you go back to set the correct time/date. In other words it thinks it's a year later since the default date was 2/2006.
Actually I wanted to try 3.5 out w/o any other programs to see how stable it was. I have no other programs running except what came with the rom. The freeze occured overnight when the phone was idle and charging; I think there was another post where someone else experienced the same problem.
On the .exe error, I was doing nothing. I took the phone off standby and the message was on the screen. I'll keep you posted if it happens again.