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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2007, 02:54 AM
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Broadcast WIFI from PPC6700?

I hope this hasn't been discussed before. I did a brief search but couldnt find a thread of this nature.

I was wondering if its possible to use the PCS vision service on my PPC and broadcast it to a diff phone that has WIFI or maybe to a laptop. So essentially making the PPC as a wireless router so that other devices can use the internet of sprint.

Has anyone played w/ this?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2007, 03:13 AM
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It's an oft-discussed topic (maybe not here... dunno. But certainly over at pdaphonehome.com where it seems to pop up once every couple of weeks). Try searching over there for wireless router and you should get some relevant threads if you want to do more reading.

The short answer is that no it's not possible at the current time. I remember someone discussing some huge kludge he had used to make it work, but as I recall no one could duplicate his success.

At this point if you want a wireless connection to the 6700 you'll have to use bluetooth. If you have the option of just using a simple USB cable (e.g. a laptop) then I would suggest doing that as its faster and more reliable.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2007, 11:53 PM
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got this for ya...

Got this from Sledgie...


now the only thing different is you would be using your wifi instead of bt as an access point, so you would make a ad hoc connection called "6700" for instance, don't protect it with wep , leave it open, and then connect to it with our notebook. you will have to tinker with crème a little as it doesn't always work the first time, and you would have to make sure crème is runnin in the foreground (not to mention make sure your device doesn't go standby or shutoff, otherwise the wifi radio will shut off)
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-19-2007, 09:07 AM
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it does indeed work, but there are drawbacks. one, is obviously connection speed via ad hoc between the computer and 6700. #2 the above link is a little *technical*, it took me a while to get it working when I first tried it. #3 the only thing you can do using the 6700 as a wireless router is browse the web... you can't go to www.gmail.com or hotmail.com and check your mail, you can't use aim or msn or other chat clients, its *simply* a wireless web browser.

the way the program works is it makes your 6700 into a proxy, and that proxy only uses port 80, commonly used for http:

other cons are: you have to leave your 6700 on all the time, you can't have it go into standby (as the wireless radio turns off to conserve battery when it does, thus cutting the link with your laptop).

I can see where it can be very helpful at a coffee shop if your friend needs to use the internet, or if you have a work computer which you can't install programs or drivers on (which was my case) which prohibits using the usb cord and drivers.

personally I've never figured out why it was just limited to port 80. I didn't know if it was a limitation of the author or of the software
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