cooked a modded ROM for XV6700
First off let me thank everyone that has replied to my questions and inquiries, your help is much appreciated.
Thanks to Wideawake for the killer forum, for his efforts and work done on getting us the AKU3.x for the 6700
Thank you helmi_c for all your hard work in converting the AKU to work with the Apache, for you killer kitchen and releases
Thanks also goes out to ImCokeMan for the great instructions on how to use the kitchen and for you own cooked version.
I am using this modded ROM on my VZW xv6700 and all I did was remove unwanted files and apps (at least unwanted on my part)
Freespace is:
storage: 2.36 in use, 41.14 free
program: 15.23 in use, 31.96 free
Pocket PowerPoint
All .htm files (help files mostly)
All ringtones except Old Phone and Ringer
Voice Dialer
Added: Thanks to ImCokeMan, schettj, colonel
Net CF2
Next will try to remove Transcriber, Help, Notes, File Explorer (will add my own choice)
If anyone is interested in this ROM let me know I will post it.
Thanks again everyone, this site sure is full of info and great folks.