Originally Posted by haus
LOL I second the Pocket Powerpoint thing. Technole, I'm working on a basic ROM that will include PPT, or if you want to work with the ROM Kitchen, it's not all that hard to make some of these changes yourself.
Here's the million dollar question. For anyone running Taurus' rom, including Taurus yourself - are you able to get VC 1.6 installed and running, and can you access your BT control panel after doing so? I haven't been able to get this working with Helmi's ROM Kitchen and I'm trying to figure out what the problem is.
Yes to both, I have installed VC 1.6 in ExtROM and that is why i removed CyberonVDD and bluetooth works fine for handsfree unit and BT GPS with TOMTOM6. I am the only one using my ROM I have not posted and no one has asked for it.