Just so you know, if the rom upgrade starts and puts you into bootloader mode, if your lucky the rom upgrade will fail or complete and a reset will just reboot your device.
If the rom updater starts but does not complete, like you start the update from Windows, it puts your phone into bootloader then fails to connect to the phone while in bootloader (like what happens when you try to update in Vista). Or you get disconnected or lose connection, there is no easy way out of bootloader. Soft reset and Hard reset will not clear the bootloader. Everytime you reboot the device, you will come back to boot loader.
The only way out I have found is to run an upgrade that will complete. IE. The official Sprint upgrade. After the Sprint upgrade completes successfully, the phone will hard reset and reboot normally. I stripped the official updater to only update the radio, so it wouldn't overwrite 2.2 or the custom EXTROM, but would complete the radio upgrade (which was already done) and allow me out of the bootloader on the next reset. It did force a hard reset.
Just so you are aware this can happen. You should probably post just the official radio upgrade incase anyone gets stuck in bootloader, they can run that and get out with only a hard reset. Case in point--> stlpunk 2 posts up. Even removing the battery for an hour will not get you out of bootloader.
Or if someone knows the key combination to get out of bootloader, please post it.