Originally Posted by jed
Is anybody else having major Bluetooth headset issues with WM6? Every version of WM6 I've tried, from the very first release, to every combination I cook with the new kitchen, I have trouble with my Jawbone headset. Major problems include:
- difficulty pairing the devices. I usually just leave my headset in the car. With WM5 every time I get in the car, the devices automatically found each other and paired without any intervention on my part. With WM6 I have to use the quicklink on my today screen to make the connection every time, and it usually takes several tries to successfully connect.
- headset cuts out during calls. Occasionally the headset will lose connectivity during a call, and the sound will go back to the handset
- fading out during a call. This is almost guaranteed on a longer call. Eventually the other party will eventually be unable to hear me. I can hear them fine, but they can't hear me.
- Devices pair, but there is a high level of background noise/static making them unusable. I usually reset the device at this time.
I've attached my latest kitchen selections, and while I've added a couple of things (google maps, abcpowermeter) like I said, I've had this issue with every WM6 config I've tried.
I've been looking for solutions too. My setup sometimes will ring on the HF820 speaker but the voice comes out on the PPC. I'm wondering if others are able to use VC1.6 with a hands free bluetooth device succesfully or if my unit is just going bad. I don't get the fading or static.
This ROM is great as nothing else would run Egress and Opera 8.65 for me before - the only problem I'm having is BT hands free.
- UPDATE: The hf820 went south coincidentally when upgraded to this ROM - the ROM is fine w/Bluetooth and VC 1.6 - I tried Voice Command 1.6 with a Tekkeon ET6000 and all functions worked. The Apache WM6 ROM also worked with a Motorola HT820 in both stereo and hands free mode (but the HT820 woud not disconnect received calls - A2DP and AVCRP worked well - no skips in music)