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  #501 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2008, 11:59 AM
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Re: New BuildOS - Report Bugs Here

Feel free to send me a PM; are you able to do the flash right now?
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  #502 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2008, 12:27 PM
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Re: New BuildOS - Report Bugs Here

Originally Posted by CMDR6 View Post
I flashed the WM6 on my xv6700 (bootloader 1.05) and it works fantastic (got it right after a couple tries!), now I am helping a friend with his and we keep getting a Error 201: Get Device Data Error during the devise software update utility check. what am I doing wrong?, his phone has the 3.14.30 WWV Rom version and the 2.05 bootloader. My home computer runs XP Home version, thanks a million
Either the phone is not booted all the way (or, preferrably, in bootloader), you have USB issues, or Activesync needs updating.
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  #503 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2008, 12:42 PM
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Re: New BuildOS - Report Bugs Here

Thanks for the reply, I am willing to bet it is the Activsync

will try it and let you know! thanks again.
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  #504 (permalink)  
Old 05-28-2008, 08:50 PM
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Re: New BuildOS - Report Bugs Here

Having a problem... on my Mougal, and my buddies VZ6800 both on 3.49, and 5067 are having problems with all things that SYNC. Mainly our contacts, and tasks that sync with a exchange 2003 sp2 server, are blank, while the active sync is running. if we go into task manager and kill outlook, and active sync, then every thing is there (contacts, and tasks) any clue? thanks
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  #505 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2008, 04:58 AM
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Re: New BuildOS - Report Bugs Here

Having issues with importing PPCGeeks_OEM into the BuildOS. I'm assuming this is total different than the other kitchens, yes? I dropped the OEM into the BuildOS folder as the other kitchens I have worked with and BuildOS will not recognize the PPCGeeks_OEM. I have also tried to use the Updater to bring in the PPCGeeks_OEM file but I still can’t get it to recognize it. Must be forgetting something.
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  #506 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2008, 09:28 AM
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Re: New BuildOS - Report Bugs Here

the .rar goes in the kitchens folder. You have to use a properly made selections.txt file for buildos to include it. Updater would have put the file in the correct location as well as put a selections.txt in the projects folder.
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  #507 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2008, 03:54 PM
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Re: New BuildOS - Report Bugs Here

Thanks for getting back to me GGURUUSA!

I tried twice to have the Updater do the magic and..... nothing. I looked in the Projects folder and it is empty. Is there a selections.txt file somewhere I can download and put in the Projects folder? Also, you mentioned that "Updater would have put the file in the correct location....". Is the file your talking about the selections.txt file or the .rar file? I can't understand why I'm having such a difficult time with this version of BuildOS!
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  #508 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2008, 04:20 PM
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Re: New BuildOS - Report Bugs Here

Originally Posted by cakek View Post
Thanks for getting back to me GGURUUSA!

I tried twice to have the Updater do the magic and..... nothing. I looked in the Projects folder and it is empty. Is there a selections.txt file somewhere I can download and put in the Projects folder? Also, you mentioned that "Updater would have put the file in the correct location....". Is the file your talking about the selections.txt file or the .rar file? I can't understand why I'm having such a difficult time with this version of BuildOS!
What did updater do, if it didn't "do the magic"?

Updater will download the .rar and the affiliated selections.txt, and put them in their proper locations. Did you download a kitchen? The selections.txt are affiliated w/ kitchens.
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  #509 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2008, 05:00 PM
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Re: New BuildOS - Report Bugs Here

I just had a whole letter typed out to you explaining what I did, it must have timed out ‘cause I lost it.

Anyway, what .rar file should I be using for WM 6.1? Helmi’s, Lenny’s or the one labeled PPCGeeks_OEM.rar? I downloaded the buildos seperatly from the PPCGeeks_OEM.rar and dropped the PPCGeeks_OEM.rar into the Kitchen folder. Last night I ran the Updater and nothing happened. I still get the window:

“Unable to open C:\Program Files\PPCkitchen.org\BuildOS\projects\my Apache Selections.txt

Could not find file ‘C:\Program Files\PPCkitchen.org\BuildOS\projects\my Apache Selections.txt’”
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  #510 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2008, 04:16 AM
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Re: New BuildOS - Report Bugs Here

PPCGeeks_OEM.rar contains optional packages you can include in your ROM. It is not required, but highly suggested.

Helmi is an older but well known kitchen.
LennySh_19213 is a newer kitchen.
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