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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2011, 09:06 AM
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Re: Post your personal VZW HTC Trophy Reviews here !

Originally Posted by steveo70 View Post
Ouch! Never had this problem (always have a spare TP2 battery on me) but I noticed this too once. I know the charging light on my Arrive starts blinking red when the battery is VERY low...kinda hard for the ear to see it
Yep, if your talking on the phone you don't see the blinking red light, even WM 6.5 used to have an annoying beep but, you knew, charge up or get your call droppped.

I have 2 batteries for my Trophy and for the most part, I don't really need the 2nd battery, there are just some days where I use the phone a lot more and yep, dead battery it is...

We can get all these advancements in tech on these devices but, we can't design a small battery that could last a week on a single charge ?
My Windows Media Center HTPC blog and site.

If I helped in anyway, please hit thanks !
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2011, 03:32 PM
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Re: Post your personal VZW HTC Trophy Reviews here !

Originally Posted by DavidinCT View Post
As others have said, Yes, it I do like it a lot. It's just got too many limits right now. I'm not going anywhere now tho.

As for the "cloud" coverage can be spotty time to time in areas. Every try to work in a basement in a corporate building and try to edit a spreadsheet on your phone ? Well, with WM I could, with WP7, I Can't because I need access to the cloud to get the document. When I have my phone connected to zune an hour before and I still cant move the file over (not looking for access to the entire phone, just looking for a folder on the phone where I can move documents and use them on my phone, AKA: My Documents)
there's no WiFi connection there? in my school I get a 1x signal on the lower levels away from the cafeteria. there's also WiFi.
As for Muti-tasking, on WM6.x it was more than a headache than anything else, if too many apps were running in the background, you could expect slow down or even lock ups almost all the time. Depends on how it's done in WP7.
either that or apps just closing on their own unexpectedly , it was proven that this won't be the case in mango
Other annoyance found last night, No beep, not notication, my battery died and it just went dead. There was no low batter notifcation or anything it just went dead in the middle of a call. That is a major issue.
yea my arrive does this too whenever im on 3G because the towers in my area are so weak the battery drains too fast for the warning to even pop up, are u in a low signal area when this happens?
I love the phone, don't get me wrong, this is issues I have with the phone and I really do miss the speaker phone from my old TP2...
yea there's pretty much issues with every device.
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