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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2011, 10:08 AM
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Re: Why did you choose W7 over Android ?

I always encourage people to use a device and see if they like it before committing to it... that's why carriers give you 30 days to decide, afterall. However, after a year with the EVO, I can say I'm happy being back on a Microsoft platform.

I'm already running Mango on my Arrive, and I can say it's the fastest experience I've ever had with a smartphone. The screen animations are neat but not obnoxious and don't slow the phone down. They serve as a nice replacement for the "hour glass" wait state. Everything is extremely smooth too... no lag and no rapid-scroll issues. This is also the most stable experience I've had... I have yet to experience any crashes or random reboots. Also, I'm an Exchange and Windows Live user, so the integration I have to Windows Live services is fantastic. I save things to email or SkyDrive, and it's all accessible to me. However, it's not just Windows Live and Exchange that are well supported... even using ActiveSync support for Gmail makes it much simpler than what Android offers. Facebook integration in WP7 is the best end-user experience for FB on any device (including the PC). The Live Tiles, as others have mentioned, and notifications mechanism is much nicer than most devices (although I actually liked the Android notification system). In fact, the only criticism I have after a month of use is the same I had in the beginning... I want more device choices, because I want the HD7S (or similar style) on Sprint instead of the Arrive.

As for why I left Android, well, mostly the consistency and stability. I got tired of needing to root it to really feel like I had a functional experience. I got tired of "force close" messages all the time and having to manage my running tasks. I got tired of the fact that every Android phone is a completely different experience than other Android devices... even with the same OEM. As a system admin needing to support my users, it's very frustrating to have to take someone's device and fumble through it to fix an issue they're having. This is one area that WP7 and even the iPhone (it sickens me to praise it) beat Android hands-down... consistency. I liked Android, because it was very technical and flexible and could do anything... BUT, you have to be a technical person to enjoy it. I have users at work that like it, but don't even come close to really using half of what it offers, and they struggle with it until they get used to it. I also got tired of updates breaking more than they fixed... ie. Gingerbread on the EVO breaking notifications and the usability of SWYPE and Voice-to-Text recording.

WP7, in my opinion and experience, is perfect for people who just want an easy-to-use experience that works.

So before you decide... ask yourself... what do you use your device for? Does the platform you're looking at meet those requirements? What's the learning curve?
--Someday, bringing GoodThings2Life will become a Paradigm!--

Last edited by GoodThings2Life; 08-07-2011 at 10:16 AM.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2011, 11:32 AM
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I chose android because it's very versatile. But windows is getting ready to release some new phones with the new mango update which looks very promising. I would not hesitate to give them a try especially if their phones can be unlocked like they said is going to able to.

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2011, 04:56 PM
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Re: Why did you choose W7 over Android ?

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
in the latest mango beta u can download and play files from the web browser.
so you're saying u can download a mp3, or a rar file and take the mp3s out of it and add it to your phones library without needing zune on the pc????
  #14 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2011, 08:20 PM
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Re: Why did you choose W7 over Android ?

Originally Posted by deadwrong03 View Post
so you're saying u can download a mp3, or a rar file and take the mp3s out of it and add it to your phones library without needing zune on the pc????
im not saying all of that but I was able to play songs from the browser. someone should upload some .mp3s into a zip so I can test that one out for u.
  #15 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2011, 09:08 PM
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Re: Why did you choose W7 over Android ?

EDIT: That isn't me in the audio clip

Originally Posted by deadwrong03 View Post
so you're saying u can download a mp3, or a rar file and take the mp3s out of it and add it to your phones library without needing zune on the pc????
To see what he is talking about go here with your phone browser and in mango it will play with mango but not with other current wp7.


or Hit search and tap vision and scan the qr code below.

nice and big so you can scan from far.

Last edited by esqueue; 08-07-2011 at 09:16 PM.
  #16 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2011, 11:52 PM
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Re: Why did you choose W7 over Android ?

i thought u could always play songs in the browser even on pre nodo i know on my nodo trophy i can already do that but i cant save the mp3 to the device and add it to my zune library without having to sync it with my laptop
  #17 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2011, 11:01 AM
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Re: Why did you choose W7 over Android ?

For those that say to try it, you have to remember that anything in the stores right now only have NoDo and not Mango. If you like NoDo though, you'll love Mango.

As someone else said, if you like the Microsoft ecosystem, then its the best because they integrate everything amazingly well. I use Hotmail (my EDU email address), and Facebook integration is really good. MSN Chat and Facebook Chat work really well and are integrated into your SMS screen.

There's no real good Google Talk client. IM+ is out there, but its pretty slow everytime you open the app.

XBox Live games are great so far and will only get better.

I love Zune. I just got a Zune Pass too, so I can stream music, use Smart DJ (in Mango), and use my 10 song credits from my phone then have them sync to the PC. The interface is nice and easy on the eyes.

Everything just looks nicer and more refined than both Android and the iPhone IMO.

I loved Android, but I'm liking WP7 even more. I would have to reset Android at least once a week, I would have apps that either don't work at all, or would Force Close a lot. Some of that is the developers though, and the fact that they have a lot of different Android flavors to support.

With WP7, everything just works. I haven't reset in weeks (since the last Mango refresh). I haven't had it freeze or hang on me. I do with there were more phone selections, but I'm hoping they're all just waiting for Mango to come out. I plan on upgrading to a Mango phone when they come out (maybe the Nokia Sea Ray if it has a front camera).
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2011, 02:53 PM
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Re: Why did you choose W7 over Android ?

Originally Posted by mindfrost82 View Post

There's no real good Google Talk client.
Not true...there are a few that work really good... I use it all the time for free conference calls.
My Windows Media Center HTPC blog and site.

If I helped in anyway, please hit thanks !
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Old 08-08-2011, 04:11 PM
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Re: Why did you choose W7 over Android ?

Originally Posted by DavidinCT View Post
Not true...there are a few that work really good... I use it all the time for free conference calls.
Which ones have you used? I would need one that does push notifications so it doesn't drain my battery.
  #20 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2011, 05:00 PM
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Re: Why did you choose W7 over Android ?

Originally Posted by mindfrost82 View Post
Which ones have you used? I would need one that does push notifications so it doesn't drain my battery.
I guess it all depends on what you need, I am only using it to save call time (AKA, friends and family number for my GV number, call out using a GV app, get free calls from carrier).

I've been using Freetalk, it does support push but, I have not tested that aspect yet.
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