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Old 02-17-2011, 11:30 AM
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Bestbuy Buyback & Windows Phone

Waiting for Windows Phone on Sprint& Verizon does it make sense to use the buyback program bestbuy has, since Mango update will bring the second wave of Window Phones? I understand that as an early adopter it sucks for 2 year contracts to find out later in the year your carrier launches the slab device you wanted but needed to upgrade due to4.1.11 Sprint I have an upgrade due-$150 March but will lose it , or phone dying etc.) I don't want the HTC Pro 7, but if I can use it and then sell it back to get a better device when Mango comes out is it a bad choice? I am trying to work it out in my mind how it hurts, how I break even, or ahead. What are your thoughts or experiences? I am open to different ideas, either way my bill will go up with Sprint $10 or any other carrier...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2011, 12:30 PM
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Re: Bestbuy Buyback & Windows Phone

They Buyback program I am sure is not full price. Yea, you buy a phone for $200 and a year later you bring it back and they offer you $20, sure they WILL buy it back but, for what cost ? This is for people who don't want to deal with trying to sell a old device.

You'll always get more for it selling it outright, Just think of trading in a car, it's just about the same I would assume.


Link...$200 Phone 24months later (after your 2 year contract) worth $40 (20% of it's price), not the best deal in the world...

My Windows Media Center HTPC blog and site.

If I helped in anyway, please hit thanks !

Last edited by DavidinCT; 02-17-2011 at 12:35 PM.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2011, 02:00 PM
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Re: Bestbuy Buyback & Windows Phone

Originally Posted by DavidinCT View Post
They Buyback program I am sure is not full price. Yea, you buy a phone for $200 and a year later you bring it back and they offer you $20, sure they WILL buy it back but, for what cost ? This is for people who don't want to deal with trying to sell a old device.

You'll always get more for it selling it outright, Just think of trading in a car, it's just about the same I would assume.


Link...$200 Phone 24months later (after your 2 year contract) worth $40 (20% of it's price), not the best deal in the world...

Buy Back Program
I see, I am operating under the assumption that from march(when i will buy Windows Phone if available for $200 with new 2year deal) the mango update and second batch of phones with will be debue. So if there was a 4" or 4.3" version on my carrier offered within the 6 months I cound use the money from the retail price of the phone ex unsubbed $600- 50%= $300 towards unsubbed future $600 version of Windows Phone that I actually wanted.
Is it possible? Or just a bunch of running around paying more at the end. I just see the first version of Windows Phone on Sprint as only option and if so until the next batch at least I would be using the OS?
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