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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2010, 05:37 PM
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Re: Now that it's released, is WP7 worth it?

At T-Mobile I played around with the HD7, (Venue Pro wasn't around.) I have read the reviews, saw the youtube videos. What impressed me was how fluid the system UI worked moving around in the limited time I played with it. I didn't get the feeling of falling in love with it, but with updates and more options from different carriers I would have bit on it. More complete, finished product in the first quarter will dictate to me will be the swing vote on grabbing one. I don't think its nessarry to have one unless your contract is up or you have the capitol(in this economy) to get one asap.
  #12 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2010, 06:31 PM
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Originally Posted by BooDaddy
There doesnt seem to be much marketing hype around it. I have only seen a few commercials and that was before it launched. You would think MS would be marketing the heck out of it in order to regain that lost market share.
I'm watching fox football now and I have seen 3 commercials for it and the game is still in the first half. Looks like they are spending some money.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2010, 09:33 PM
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Re: Now that it's released, is WP7 worth it?

Originally Posted by horndoctor View Post
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I'm watching fox football now and I have seen 3 commercials for it and the game is still in the first half. Looks like they are spending some money.

lol i noticed that too today ...
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Old 11-15-2010, 12:37 AM
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Re: Now that it's released, is WP7 worth it?

Originally Posted by afolayan702 View Post
At T-Mobile I played around with the HD7, (Venue Pro wasn't around.) I have read the reviews, saw the youtube videos. What impressed me was how fluid the system UI worked moving around in the limited time I played with it. I didn't get the feeling of falling in love with it, but with updates and more options from different carriers I would have bit on it. More complete, finished product in the first quarter will dictate to me will be the swing vote on grabbing one. I don't think its nessarry to have one unless your contract is up or you have the capitol(in this economy) to get one asap.
I don't really consider how fluid/fast/smooth a device/os is when I experience it inside of a store. It lacks day to day use. The environment is controlled. No apps installed/running, texts coming in and out. No push email. What i want to know is whether or not wp7 has what it takes to make people defend its capabilities. Tell us what wp7 has that no other os has. I'm talking something we can't give up. Like a blackberry with bbm or the ecosystem of the iphone.
If I help don't forget to hit thanks..
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2010, 01:03 AM
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So it's been a week. What's the verdict so far?

Windows Phone 7 has been out a week today (Monday), and it seems that a few of you have purchased one.

What do you think? What has a week of real world use been like? How many resets have you had to go through? How would you compare it to your previous phone?

Curious minds want to know!
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Old 11-15-2010, 01:30 AM
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Re: Now that it's released, is WP7 worth it?

Originally Posted by smoove21 View Post
I just can't get that "i've gotta have it" feeling when i see it. Something about how simple/bland the whole tile concept looks and operates.
Yeah, you got it right. "Bland" is the best description I've heard yet. Nothing exciting about it for me anyway.
Very in-line with their advertisting theme of "Really?". Getting you in and back out quick so your time isn't spent playing with the device. Who'd want to play with a "bland" device? .....In n' out quick, yup, that fits a bland device.

Last edited by cbreze; 11-15-2010 at 01:35 AM.
  #17 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2010, 10:48 AM
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Re: So it's been a week. What's the verdict so far?

worth it...even with the issues
  #18 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2010, 12:04 PM
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Re: Now that it's released, is WP7 worth it?

I have yet to see one out in the wild... but nothing I've seen about it yet has compelled me to check it out.

I dunno, I know it's supposed to be this great leap over WM6... but for me the hype is totally not there... heck I'm barely even interested.

Now, android for me is a whole different story even using the hamstring'd xandroid builds on my TP2 it blows me away!
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Old 11-15-2010, 02:55 PM
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Re: So it's been a week. What's the verdict so far?

Originally Posted by Noir View Post
worth it...even with the issues
What are the issues?

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Last edited by Biggnaa20; 11-15-2010 at 02:56 PM. Reason: Clarity
  #20 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2010, 03:12 PM
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Re: So it's been a week. What's the verdict so far?

I can't wait.
Comeonnnnnnnnn Sprint.
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