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  #61 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2010, 06:24 PM
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Re: Now that it's released, is WP7 worth it?

Originally Posted by nite732 View Post
It was not a love at first sight thing but after playing with it like nine times I finally ordered one today, I also ordered the captivate. I love my iphone4 but now windows 7 is appealing to me.
Agreed here... some get it ... some do not - the ethos of the UI is quite different then anything else out there. It is simplistic and basic to focus on crazy long performance. My battery life on my LG Optimus 7 is quite long - I can get through 1.5 to 2 days without charging and just using the phone here and there. Instead of focusing on a bunch of fancy animations Microsoft focused on transition and integration. The experience is quite unique in this regard.

Quite literally I spend less time fiddling around with UI customizations and more time using applications and so far the apps are not bad - especially those XBL games.

IS it perfect? Nope... but I it.
Samsung Focus running on the Telus Network... LG Optimus 7 runningo n the Telus Network
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Phone 7 > General Windows Phone 7 Discussions

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