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  #101 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 05:50 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

Originally Posted by fixxxer2008 View Post
if i read your post right? your wrong, the android fan base is growing by the day and after the announcement of iphone users being blocked from the market if jailbroken yeah android will hold it's own just fine. im glad you like the winmo 7 interface i myself don't like what i see and ill stick to android. what microsoft needs is htc to step in and help them design a interface.
may wanna take a look at the net. WP7 floored a lot of people making them switch or regret their phone choices.

Personal quip I think the android os feels incomplete in comparison to even winmo 6.1. There is just not a lot that I feel would be easy to make a transition. That's my personal opinion not knocking android but as far as marketing goes and the google name, I would say its an inferior device by many standards. And while I dislike iphone, it does feel for complete for user's needs than android
  #102 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 05:50 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

how is my Imagio or previos TP2 or Ozone gimped by Verizon?


MORE MISINFORMATION right on schedule from haters with no clue.

Originally Posted by fixxxer2008 View Post
yeah and verizon is such a great "lmao" carrier that loves to cripple their phones, sorta like mico$oft does with wm7.

for your info i used to own several winmo phones before i woke up and went to a better device. maybe you should open your mind a bit too.
  #103 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 05:55 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

okay can we keep this civil its wp7 discussion not the whole platform/os and insulting carriers
  #104 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 06:08 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

Originally Posted by Noir View Post
may wanna take a look at the net. WP7 floored a lot of people making them switch or regret their phone choices.

Personal quip I think the android os feels incomplete in comparison to even winmo 6.1. There is just not a lot that I feel would be easy to make a transition. That's my personal opinion not knocking android but as far as marketing goes and the google name, I would say its an inferior device by many standards. And while I dislike iphone, it does feel for complete for user's needs than android

i strongly disagree, but to each their own. to say that wm7 will dominate the market and crush all other operating systems is a bit premature.
  #105 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 06:09 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

Originally Posted by gcianc View Post
how is my Imagio or previos TP2 or Ozone gimped by Verizon?


MORE MISINFORMATION right on schedule from haters with no clue.

haters? did you read my posts? i said i used to have "several" winmo phones. my god man, get your head outta your crack.
  #106 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 06:26 PM
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Talking Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion - Tim Smith's Flaming

Ok I have to say it is getting heated in here with the Android/Winmo/Iphone advocates from each corner squaring off. I won't begin to bash other OS's because this thread is already getting off topic. I just want to clear up on some disagreements with what I said earlier.

Define multitasking and what you want from it and show me where Microsoft has said what you want won't work.
OEM's will be allowed to add to the UI. If they allowed OEM's to throw shit on top of the phone and cover up 7 then that's a lot of hard work wasted. They want people to see and recognize their brand and UI. I don't see a problem with that.
Social networking is a bad thing? That's a first! I guess if you're going to overreact and go off the deep end you might as well commit!
What's wrong with the hardware buttons?
What's wrong with the tiles and ZuneHD?
Lol you are obviously in a bad mood today ! I see you have flamed almost every post today that says anything bad about windows phone 7. Is this really Steve Balmer? Are you posting from barcelona?? Dude give it a rest, I said If at the beginning of my last post. You don't have to get so upset!....

But you're right microsoft hasn't said much. But there is a lot of speculation and they also didn't clear up very much either.

By multi-tasking I mean I am surfing the web in Opera mobile 10, I find a page with flash in it that I can't watch in this browser. I copy the link of the page, click my Quickmenu (an application that isn't opera) icon, and select today, which brings me Home.My home screen is another application(or service one might call it) called Sense v2.5. From Sense I click on the shortcut to Skyfire. I then paste my link into the address bar and go watch the Flash video (Opera is still running in the background, as well as about 4 other apps).When I'm done watching the vid I go back and surf away in opera. Lol Just because I can!

I wasn't aware that you were the sole reason Microsoft existed and worked for. Here I thought the rest of us mattered! My mistake! Do you want me to bow now or later?

I expected this phone to allow me to travel through time! Microsoft sucks for not delivering!
Haha Like I said cranky today! For those of you that understand the technical underbelly of an OS. You can see where I might have expected some of these things. If you wanted to do some readying Tim


you would see that windows mobile has come a long way. Before the release of Windows Phone series 7. Us developers (i.e. me and the rest of the people writing software for winmo devices) expected Windows phone 7 to be built on WinCe 6. WinCe 6 was going to offer vast improvements to WinCe 5.2 (what winmo 5, and 6 are built on). Many of these improvements I stated in my previous post that you flamed.

More importantly there is a new rumor that Windows Phone 7 is actually built on a new and unreleased WinCe 7 (might be released at MIX) which should offer improvements to WinCe 6. So my expectations were very high. And as I am a potential application developer for WP7 this type of thing does concern me. And Microsoft needs to be aware that while, many users are just plain consumers who know very little about the hardware or software they are using (Like you Tim), there are also many users whom are extremely tech savvy and choose WinMo FOR THIS REASON! Even if I only was a consumer I have my right to dislike their product and UI.

1. Most of the technical specs weren't talked about. Multitouch does exist and was demoed. Backwards compatibility is not needed and if it existed people like you would be bitching and whining about it not working as well as you want. It's lose/lose for Microsoft with people like you.

2. It's WVGA which is fine with me. How about you wait and see how this looks for yourself instead of freaking out right off the bat?

3. The IE browser looks decent so far. Pinch to zoom and pretty responsive.

4. Wasn't mentioned because they didn't go into that much detail. Wait until MIX. Though I'm sure no matter what you'll be on here bitching.

5. See above.

6. Done.

7. Done.

8. Apparently done. We'll find out more at MIX.
As for the above quote, I don't really need to say much. You don't have to get so defensive Tim. I mean really if you knew anything about selling software you would understand it is a business just like any other. If a business partner you have been working with for sometime (say M$), suddenly stabs you in the back and changes all the business plans you made. You might be upset. I'm glad as a consumer you don't care about small things like the thousands of employees that develop UI's, games, and apps that just won't work on WinMo7. You just care about the end user experience right?

Also when you say done, and all the crap about bitching , and wait for MIX it makes me wonder if you read the other posts you flame because I've said this today...

Yes, but only the least important ones!!!
WTF Microsoft?? I don't know if I can jump ship to Android for this because that OS is still made of Java and obviously no more PocketPc than the iPhone. But I don't think I'm upgrading to winmo 7 either. I'm seriously dissapointed at this pile of crap. I wanted next generation windows mobile, not Zune HD+ tiles. This sucks Microsoft! I hope things are cleared up at MIX10. Because I'm not carrying around a Zune with microphone and internet connection. MY Touch pro 2 is nicer than that!
That pretty much says, that some of my expectations came true, but mostly they sucked. Oh and I do believe I am waiting for MIX10 considering I have F-ING Tickets Dumbass.

So you're saying you wouldn't use a phone like the Touch Pro 2 running this? That's exactly what I'm wanting for myself. Sounds to me like you set unreasonable expectations and refuse to be open minded and give any of it a chance. That's unfortunate for you.
No I wouldn't. Because it is not the hardware on the windows phone that was used to demo WP7 I didn't like (we don't even know the specs on the hardware), it was the software that sucked. Also, I don't think the touch pro 2 isn't capable of pushing those worthless transition animations. And again you're wrong, It is my open-minded self that thought of all the possibilities this device might have, that was so very disappointed when the reality settled in. Only time will tell if Windows Phone 7 will be worth the hype. However if it is as simple-minded as the iphone(which it resembles greatly), it is unfortunate for all winmo powers users (The Power Users Tim, not you and the mindless consumer that likes pretty colors. I hope this wasn't too much bitching for you Tim).

Also one last note Tim, though you have flamed many posts in this thread, and others. I didn't see any of these under your posts....

Existentialism Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion
lmao, tpimp420 crystallized my thoughts exactly. Well said.
fixxxer2008 Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion
Originally Posted by Existentialism
lmao, tpimp420 crystallized my thoughts exactly. Well said.

amen +1000 here

i really hope this thing doesn't look like it does at launch. they need a good team of designers to give a better a UI. i watched the video again and it seems sorta comlex for a average user.
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  #107 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 06:42 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

You did NOT answer how is the Verizon TP2/Ozone/Imagio gimped?

when i read your posts here jilted school-girl is what comes to mind

Originally Posted by fixxxer2008 View Post
haters? did you read my posts? i said i used to have "several" winmo phones. my god man, get your head outta your crack.
  #108 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 06:45 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

instead of trolling... man up and explain your misinformation campaign.

what verizon phone was "crippled" in the last year?

Originally Posted by fixxxer2008 View Post
yeah and verizon is such a great "lmao" carrier that loves to cripple their phones, sorta like mico$oft does with wm7.
  #109 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 06:59 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

The touch pro one. That is why I got the sprint one. Then got it working on verizon. Best of both worlds. But hey its ok man, this was the only one. Other than that the winmo phones aren't crippled. As for all the other dumb phones... well verizon has crippled those from the beginning and I don't think they plan to stop.
  #110 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 07:10 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

Originally Posted by gimme5 View Post
I think that WP7 looks nice and that it will be more successful than any of the other editions of winmo. But I don't think we can look at it as an upgrade over 6.5. It's just a completely different platform.

Personally, I don't think I'll get one. I love the look of the UI, but like most people here (I think), I enjoy messing with my phone. It doesn't look like I'd be able to do that on a WP7 device.
Thanks for actually discussing WP7 and not arguing like the rest of these idiots for the past few pages. One good post in like 4 pages. Where's a mod when you need them?
Sorry, I went to mars for a second but I'm back now and I got t-shirts for everybody!!!
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