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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 05:57 AM
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Early WinMo 7 not compatable w/ our current apps

It sounds like Windows Mobile 7 has been built from scratch. I think that is a good thing interms of stability and speed, but we have to start over in developing apps lol. From the engaget article it sounds like 7 is still in a very early stage, which means we probably will not get a very good look at WMC in a month, and makes a 2010 launch seem unlikely


but on the bright side I read another article recently stating that HTC had a large part in developing WM7, which to me sounds epic

let me know what you guys think about the rebuilt from scratch vs no old apps reality (im pro rebuilt from scratch atm)

edit: sorry, forgot to update this post. it seems that the day after I posted this the rumor began to shift to WM7 being able to run apps that were wvga. they apparently give some sort of security warning, but run none the less. (we won't know for sure until wmc or most likely some march)

Last edited by sprinttouch666; 01-26-2010 at 05:06 AM.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 06:17 AM
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Re: Early WinMo 7 not compatable w/ our current apps

It’s starting to look like everybody’s trying to jump into the Windows Mobile rumor bandwagon lately. This time it’s Eldar Murtazin from Mobile-review in Russia who is claiming (via twitter) to have had a hands-on with Microsoft’s upcoming OS. Frankly everything he said sound shady as hell (and he always had one of the worst track record when it comes to WinMo, he for example claimed that it was based on the Windows 7 kernel at first and then back to WinCE and that development was “stopped” last year…). He goes on to say that WM7 isn’t compatible with previous WM apps (which is quite possible), that the UI is in someways similar to the Zune HD’s but then says that it also looks like the early WM7 mockups we have seen (they don’t look like the Zune HD UI at all so.. WTF?). He then claims that it won’t be out this year (even thought we have LG who, as recently as yesterday supposedly said that they will have a WM7 phone in September 2010). HE then claims that those early WM7 mock ups we saw back in January 2008 are WM6.5 mock-ups (again WTF? The first page of the document has the Windows Mobile 7 logo that you can see at the top of this news and WM6.5 didn’t even exist back in 2007!). Finally, according to Eldar WM7 is a pale copy of Android 3.1/3.2 and the iPhone (so I guess he also had the chance to play with the future iPhone OS and Android 3.X ?) Check out the whole thing here:
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 06:33 AM
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I'll be less concerned about losing backwards compatibility if wm7 can provide a solid program development structure a la iphone and android... since we're dealing with MS I have my doubts they'll take it where it needs to go on the app side.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 08:23 AM
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Re: Early WinMo 7 not compatable w/ our current apps

No backwards compatibility- what a wonderful way to piss off your legacy customers! If this is true, count me out of this "upgrade". This would be an okay move if they offered WM7 alongside traditional WM, but not as a replacement. I'm not gonna give up the apps I've been using for years just to switch to something that's incompatible but *prettier*. New is NOT always better. I was a faithful Palm user for years until they switched to WebOS. I had hundreds of Palm apps that I loved & used daily, and I wasn't about to buy a device I couldn't use them with. Palm was a worthwhile offering until they abandoned Garnet, and now they're the lowest rung. I don't get why companies do stuff like this, most people don't like sweeping changes. Yeah, WM7 might be new & improved, but you have to learn a whole new OS & have to find alternatives to the apps you've used for years. Eff that. I don't like the way mobile software is going these days, I don't want all-touch interfaces & cloud storage & app stores. In my day, we had 10 different buttons surrounding our screens and 500mhz processors. We had to use a stylus for everything, and gosh-darnit WE LIKED IT!

~sigh~ I'm just old. I hate change.
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Last edited by kabuk1; 01-17-2010 at 08:58 AM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 10:17 AM
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Re: Early WinMo 7 not compatable w/ our current apps

I guarantee you that WM7 will be back words compatible. I think Microsoft learned their lesson when Vista had problems and consumers were mad. Same thing with WM7. Keep in mind, the reviewer had an early stage OS, it probably wasnt meant to do anything but show off the UI.

Just my two cents.
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 11:33 AM
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Re: Early WinMo 7 not compatable w/ our current apps

Kinda disappointing, but I understand if they left out BC. If they wrote it from scratch, I suspect it would be too resource intensive to add some semi-simul components to it for the old stuff...
The TP2. So presidential...
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 11:41 AM
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Re: Early WinMo 7 not compatable w/ our current apps

< is he surprised by any of this? hells no!
Why everyone else is I have no clue. Its being built from the ground up. Early reports suggested there would be no backward compatibility and unfortunately that is something we all have to realize...so gone are the millions of applications made over the past 3-5 years by prominent developers...

It would be a great idea to make an external application to port the cab files to the new file format...
though in all honesty thinking about it a bit further, I find that there is some application backward compatibility with wince 5.2 and wince 6.0. That isn't to say that windows 7 is based on wince 6 no we all know its not. But it is a shot that not all hope is lost with a bit of hacking and a lot of energon - er I mean energy sorry there...seemed a bit...anyway...android 3.1 doesn't even exit yet...I hope he means 2.1 for sure! Or that raises my BS detector by over 9000!

Intriguing read nonetheless we won't know what's up with redmond till february. But you have to think about this logically

every seemingly confirmed leak or information about wm 7 has been pulled from the net except sparse bits and pieces that is incorrect. So we won't know what happens till we see it and get our hands on it so come on xda devs or (even better) con
give us some good news

Last edited by Noir; 01-17-2010 at 11:45 AM.
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 11:51 AM
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Re: Early WinMo 7 not compatable w/ our current apps

im baffled of the people that are surprised by this....

besides, Palm WebOS has a Classic emulator to use the thousands of PalmOS apps that were available. Maybe WinMo will have the same thing so we can use all our apps within 7
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 11:56 AM
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Re: Early WinMo 7 not compatable w/ our current apps

^That is true. Would make MS look bad if they didn't put one of those out.

The Classic Emulator came out after the phone did though, right?
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 12:00 PM
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Re: Early WinMo 7 not compatable w/ our current apps

but if they dont offer BC.. think bout it..how many devs are gonna jump to it in the beginning? It might be the palm pre all over again.. waiting and waiting for apps to appear..not sure bout u.. but im not gonna use a new phone and have to wait half a year for apps again... think bout the millions of wm programs out there,, and hacks,,, etc.. its gonna take along time to build that back up for wm 7... but this is ms so who knows..lol

they might just be throwing these rumors out there to get an idea of how people will react to change..
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