Re: What phone started your love afair with PPCs?
For me it was the Alltel Titan that I am still using. Can't wait until I upgrade to one of the new androids.
Re: What phone started your love afair with PPCs?
What a great topic. I have always been in love with handhelds, ever since I was literally a child. I remember begging my mom for one of those little digital diaries they sold in toy stores back when I was 11 or 12. They looked like little folding calculators, they had little chiclet qwerty keyboards & monochrome one-line displays, and you could enter a sentence or 2 per diary entry. I had a blue hello kitty one & I used it for years. That's what really started my love affair with handhelds in general. I remember drooling over that ancient Casio Cassiopeia monster when it first came out, and that;s what got me wanting a full-blown PDA. Years passed without me being able to afford one, until one miraculous day in 2005 when CompUSA was stupid enough to give me a line of credit. I got me an HP iPaq hx4705. That thing was the balls. VGA screen, dual card slots, trackpad, 600-some-odd mhz processor, VERY nice. I liked it a lot, but it didn't really awaken any tender feelings inside me for WM cause I had always been a hardcore Palm fan. I had used Palm PDAs & Treos since 2001. I ended up charging a PPC-6700 on that same line of credit soon after buying the iPaq. I absolutely hated that phone & it turned me off WM for a long time. Now that I look back, it was WM5 that I hated, not the device itself. Flash forward to October 2008- when I bought a Mogul off Craigslist out of sheer curiosity. THAT was the one device that captured my heart & got me hooked on PPCs. It had a custom ROM already on it, and I was astounded at what all it could do. I felt like that young girl with her digital diary again. The rest is history, I got hooked & I don't think I'll ever lose interest!
85% of scientists are atheists. What troubles me is that there are still 15% that aren't.
kabuk1's battery life tips ~ TamsPPC |
Re: What phone started your love afair with PPCs?
My wife got me interested in them. She had something like 3-4 Palm devices and one evening came home with a Sprint Kyocera 6135. I got one the next day. From there we went with the 300. I then went with the 600, then the 650, 700p, 700W, Centro and a couple of WM phones I kept for really short time frames (couple of days only). The 800W came out and I made an attempt to go with it - and liked it. After 3 of them (keyboard problems), I went to the Touch Pro and then the Touch Pro 2.
I mainly use my device for work - lots of spreadsheets, email, and database. Games - not too many and I did keep up with the pTunes and Kinoma upgrades. Today the TP2 is an important part of my day and woe is the day it dies and I have to wait any length of time to replace it.
Another beautiful day in Paradise on the Leeward coast with a TP2 and Evo!
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Re: What phone started your love afair with PPCs?
When I was looking for a part time job back in 2007, I got one at a cell phone store that sold Alltel (not a retail store). They offered me since I was nerdy at the time (I knew a lot about computers even then) to carry a PPC with a huge discount. Since the only one available was a 6700, I took it. I remember thinking how I hated the size of it being a brick. Admittedly it was pretty cool to have all the features but I didn't like the size. So two Asurion claims later I'm on a Diamond from a 6800, and now I'm gonna probably hold on to this until maybe the HD2 or something with a capacitive screen.
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