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View Poll Results: How do you interface GV with your mobile device?
Google App (for BB/Android etc..) 14 6.80%
Google Website 29 14.08%
Call Google 13 6.31%
MagiCall 37 17.96%
GV Dialer 19 9.22%
Calling Card by Handango 5 2.43%
iDialer 47 22.82%
One Dialer 16 7.77%
gVo dialer 20 9.71%
GoVoMo 6 2.91%
Voters: 206. You may not vote on this poll

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  #171 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2009, 01:44 AM
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Re: Google Voice Incoming/Outgoing Options!

Ok so far so good on using GV to forward 2 of my numbers to one phone...

My issue is with getting easy access to my GV call log, without having to open my browser and surf through the GV menus each time..

Any ideas? Any apps/widgets that will make my GV call log easier to view on my windows mobile phone?
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  #172 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2009, 05:18 PM
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Re: Google Voice Incoming/Outgoing Options!

Ok what if we don't have a plan where you can get free calls with certain numbers. I use Verizon and I found out I don't have the friends and family on my plan where i can add non verizon numbers to call for free... So is there an app to use to utilize GV that is free and doesn't require using your celluar minutes such as just using data (SIP/VOIP) I used FRING but the call audio quality is terrible with bad echoing... Most of the apps have bad echoing. Any of you guys know of a good app? or better yet.. how to unlock the "internet calling" in the Today's widgets?? I guess with that widget you can punch in your SIP credentials and not need any software.
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  #173 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2009, 05:42 PM
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Re: Google Voice Incoming/Outgoing Options!

look for gvdialer. It uses only your data connection
If you have wifi and GPS on your phone, click link below for Navizon. Navizon gives you money to log wifi and cell phone towers.

Last edited by drewcam888; 11-19-2009 at 03:22 PM.
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  #174 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2009, 02:56 AM
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Re: Google Voice Incoming/Outgoing Options!

The new beta One Dialer works well for me on my TP2, and solved my problems with outgoing SMS being received as they came from my GV number. Even better -- when it was replied it came directly to my regular SMS inbox. I just saved that 406 number as an alternate contact number for that person, and it shows up with the contact name now. I even found if I send a text from my regular SMS app to the new 406 number for that contact, that message is displayed to them as from coming from my GV number (even tho I was not running One Dialer). Superstoked!! It takes a few seconds to send the first sms from within the onedialer app, receive a reply, save that 406 number to the appropriate contact, but so far it seems like a one time thing, and TOTALLY worth it (to me).

I used MagiCall, and that worked fantastic for calls, but the lack of SMS support is what drove me to try something else. I used gVo Dialer (meh-didn't work) and iDialer, but was most impressed with One Dialer.

Last edited by wheelna; 11-19-2009 at 03:00 AM.
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  #175 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2009, 02:52 PM
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Re: Google Voice Incoming/Outgoing Options!

Originally Posted by drewcam888 View Post
look for gvdialer. It uses only your data connection
Google Voice is no longer offering the GV Dialer for download. Only way to get it is if maybe the cab file is available on here?? (If it is available on here somewhere, please let me know where to look for it cuz I want to try it instead of the gvodialer Im using now.)
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  #176 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2009, 04:22 PM
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Re: Google Voice Incoming/Outgoing Options!

Originally Posted by wheelna View Post
The new beta One Dialer works well for me on my TP2, and solved my problems with outgoing SMS being received as they came from my GV number. Even better -- when it was replied it came directly to my regular SMS inbox. I just saved that 406 number as an alternate contact number for that person, and it shows up with the contact name now. I even found if I send a text from my regular SMS app to the new 406 number for that contact, that message is displayed to them as from coming from my GV number (even tho I was not running One Dialer). Superstoked!! It takes a few seconds to send the first sms from within the onedialer app, receive a reply, save that 406 number to the appropriate contact, but so far it seems like a one time thing, and TOTALLY worth it (to me).

I used MagiCall, and that worked fantastic for calls, but the lack of SMS support is what drove me to try something else. I used gVo Dialer (meh-didn't work) and iDialer, but was most impressed with One Dialer.
Are you running 6.1 or 6.5? I really like onedialer, but when i have it open i can't make regular calls, so i am interested to find out if there is something that i can do to make it work better.
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  #177 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2009, 09:32 PM
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Re: Google Voice Incoming/Outgoing Options!

love gv for international calls, but I'm always paranoid that it will auto forward some incoming calls (if i give the person my gv number) and I'll miss them. I've had it happen a few times, and it can't be reception cuz it was full bars.
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  #178 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2009, 03:52 AM
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Re: Google Voice Incoming/Outgoing Options!

Originally Posted by AYSIANA View Post
Google Voice is no longer offering the GV Dialer for download. Only way to get it is if maybe the cab file is available on here?? (If it is available on here somewhere, please let me know where to look for it cuz I want to try it instead of the gvodialer Im using now.)
this program is not made by google.
it is also a paid program so to post it would be warez
Use Thanks! to show someone that they helped you!
Looking for ways to interface Google Voice with your Phone? Click Here!
Originally Posted by CozBoogie View Post
5. Everyone who thanks my post will receive instant karma!
Originally Posted by flyers2114 View Post
MordyT is right.
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  #179 (permalink)  
Old 11-23-2009, 04:37 PM
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Re: Google Voice Incoming/Outgoing Options!

Do any of these work with Voice Commander? Has anyone tried the implementation of that in 6.5? I currently have a Mogul with 6.1, but hope to upgrade to a 6.5 (even if unofficial) phone soon. Want something that works hands free, preferably without requiring having a data connection open all the time.
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  #180 (permalink)  
Old 11-23-2009, 05:35 PM
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Re: Google Voice Incoming/Outgoing Options!

Originally Posted by MordyT View Post
So I, like many others out there, have Sprint. And I also have the pick 3 numbers on my account. And now I finally got my Google Voice Number. What does this have to do with anything? Let me explain. With a “pick X amount of numbers that you have unlimited calling to” and Google Voice, you have all the ingredients for free incoming and outgoing calls without using a single minute.
The guide below will show you how.

1) First thing to do is register with Google voice. Get a phone number with whatever number you want to give out. This will be your “new cell phone” number. When you register with GV, you will be asked to add a phone to your account. Add you cell phone and finish setting it all up on their website. (You probably want to import all your contacts into GV so callers don’t need to announce their names).

2) Now call up sprint and give them you GV number and tell them that you want that as one of your free numbers.

NOW ALL YOUR INCOMING CALLS ARE FREE! (Provided that your callers call your GV number – not your real cell number

How does this work you ask? Well, the caller calls your GV number and Google calls your cell. It shows up on your cell bill as your GV number calling. And that number is free to call you!

Now for the outgoing…


Method Number 1: (Paid) Get MagiCall HERE!. Install and start program. Copy the attached file to /device/my documents/magicall (thanks Solange82200) overwriting MG2RULE. Reopen the program GUI. It will ask if you want to load the new rules. Click Yes. Modify the rule called Google Voice with your info. (your phone number, leave the commas and then your pin. Leave the rest alone).
Set up whatever rules you want and enjoy free outgoing calls.

Please note that you should not set up any new rules before the import as all your old rules will be overwritten.
Thanks goes to Biker1 (and sorry that you lost your rules).
Thank his helpful post here!

*EDIT -Video now on-line. Go here to see it. Then go here to thank the maker.

NOTE: If you go from using 800 minutes a month to 0 sprint might notice. use this to not go over your minutes...
Maybe only place outgoing only or whatever.

You MAY send me PM'S for help with setiing up MagiCall but I MAY NOT be able to answer all your questions.

Oh....don't forget to unrar the file. Rared b/c of forum rules...
Pocket RAR reported the rules files as corrupt or unknown file type. Do I need to use WinRAR on the desktop?
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calling google voice, google voice, gv, incoming, outgoing

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