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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2009, 08:15 PM
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Seeking some quick advice

Hey guys,

I am new, so hello! I've come across a lot interesting information on these forums, so I decided to see if anyone has some advice for my current situation. (I hope this is the correct place to post about this).

I have a Samsung Instinct, which I love but it is not activated because Sprint requires the everything data plan which will cost me 40 more dollars a month. My two options are to somehow make the instinct able to be activated without such a plan somehow, or to get a new phone.

Although I really like the Instinct, I wouldn't mind getting another used for Sprint, however, many of their nice phones require data plans, and they don't have many phones I like...is there a way to use phones from other carries ?

Any suggestions that can lead me to have a decent phone without the everything data plan would be appreciated!

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2009, 08:18 PM
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Re: Seeking some quick advice

Most carriers require a data plan if you're buying a smartphone/ppc (well at least VZW does), so I don't think you can avoid it
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2009, 08:51 PM
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Re: Seeking some quick advice

If you can find a phone like the Vogue/Touch that I have you would only have to add the 15 dollar data plan. That's what I have. I thought about getting the instink before I got my Vogue and this issue was the thing that made the decision for me. I am so glad that I did this.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2009, 08:55 PM
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Re: Seeking some quick advice

op, this may hurt a bit, give that piece of junk to your mom like i did. sorry, its like a banaide, rip it off fast.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2009, 08:57 PM
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Re: Seeking some quick advice

Get a Pre or TP, the pre requires the same plan as the instinct I think and it can do WAY more.. Also Horndoctor check out the Hilarious Video Thread......You have some rebutting to do against Codybear lol.
grammer has never been such good, thats for true.


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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2009, 09:42 PM
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Re: Seeking some quick advice

If you are not set on Windows Mobile, you can get the Centro. My wife has it without any data plan. Basic smartphone functionality.
Don't forget to click the "Thanks" button if anyone has helped. ----->

Last edited by cv7713; 07-06-2009 at 09:45 PM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2009, 06:01 PM
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Re: Seeking some quick advice

Thanks for all your responses. I will consider the Centro.

Does anyone know anything about the HTC Mogul? I read that it doesn't need a data plan, but it does have wi-fi capabilities to access the web.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2009, 09:05 PM
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Re: Seeking some quick advice

Yes people have activated it without a data plan. Your carrier or CS person might tell you different. Depends on who you talk to. Wifi is nice.
Kiss my grits
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2009, 10:53 PM
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Re: Seeking some quick advice

I would go with a Touch/Vouge. I was looking at the Instinct at first. Even ran into a marketing person who gave me the login to sprint employee site to buy one. After research I chose the Touch. I pay the 15$ a month as well, and after research get way more than my moneys worth.
Honestly it's the best phone I've ever had and I don't see myself getting rid of it ever. I may upgrade, but never get rid of it. Their are just so many ways to mod the phone. I spent a good amount of time on this site learning what could be done and still have a lot to learn. No offense to anyone who works for Sprint, I love sticking it to you! Why should I pay for over priced services when I can learn myself and work around it.
In The end the choice is up to you. WiFi is nice. I gave my wife a Tmobile Wing that a friend gave me for free. After modding it my wife uses it for all kinds of stuff, and it isn't even activated. Take your time. Learn what each phone recommended to you can and can't do. Then read read read. Have fun above everything else. I love anything tech and my phone is just an extension of that love.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 07-09-2009, 01:30 AM
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Re: Seeking some quick advice

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