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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 12:00 AM
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Re: Bigger Phones, Kind Of Backwards

Originally Posted by 1moreforum View Post
I love smaller phones. But, I'll sacrifice some of that for what others have already posted. I do want a nice big screen. And I do want a phone that can do more than make a call and play music. If I have to sacrifice a little space for bigger screen and more technology than that's fine. I am not sure I'll like the size of the tp2 but that's just me. There are a couple other phones coming out that look pretty good and are a little smaller as well.

Figure out what is important to you and get a phone that will meet those. Each phone is designed for a certain demographic. No one phone is going to make everyone happy.
I love the tp2.
nuff said.

Originally Posted by zepsamsung View Post
I own a business, bulbsbladesandautoglass.faithweb.com. I use my phone for my business all day. I just think, in my opinion that the new pocket pc phones are going larger. The new TP2 would be too big to carry all the time.
I have an IPAQ 2495b and a Mogul, now the Touch Pro. My TP is the perfect size, I use it for college and for business also. I even watch HULU on it with Skyfire. I think the new TP2 looks hot and is great but as I stated is not good for my medical condition without the dpad and larger phone buttons.
BTW, the new TP uses an older cpu. Msm7600 and not the newer msm7501a like the Touch Pro, but that might have something to do with the lawsuit issues earlier this year with broadcom. So in conclusion, I find the new Touch Pro to be an awesome bigger screened phone. However I agree with an earlier post about making the screen fill the front of the phone which could mean a even bigger oled screen in the same size device, that would be nice.
I was actually reading somewhere in a post from some dude that works on those chips that the chip they're using in the tp2 is older,
but due to better drivers and being alot more powerfull in the long run,
they switched back to it.
Just because its the newest doesn't mean its better.
It's like comparing a 66comaro and a 1999 dodge neon.
lol, it just doesn't work.

Originally Posted by zim2323 View Post
I'm gonna' call BULL**** on this one. So how does the STYLUS work then?????? Um yeah... not gonna' get around that one, because I doubt the stylus "sweats". I understand you wanna' seem important and thoughtful, but whoever you talked to at Sprint, is exactly why I can't stand Customer Service people. They have no ****in' clue what they are talking about. LOL
That's why I can't wait to go work for verizon at the call center.
I have a guaranteed job,
just can't walk the million miles to work.
I lost my license and car.
I had 16 pts on my license and was on a 3 year driving probation,
and got a dui. haha.
not a good combo.
can you say 25,000 in fines total. haha.
Cop profiled me as a 6ft tall black man,
and I'm a 5'2" skinny white boy.
he even said in court he thought I was the 6ft tall black man
and that's why he pulled me over.
and he still got away with it!
gotta love our justice system.

Originally Posted by j_j View Post
No SIR I bring this phone with me hiking(GPS), fishing, tubing, to the beach, to school, to work. Heck i took a video of riding top gun with it. I have the 3000mah extended battery so i don't have to change the battery(so often). I watch the daily show, movies, surf internet, i wrote an essay on it once lol. I once made a phone call after my tp took a bullet. (ok i made that last part up) The only babying this thing gets is a ziplock bag and its still good to go. But in agreement this technology is moving forward
hahahaha, I have almost completely submerged my vogue and have hit it multiple times with tools at work, dropped it from ridiculous heights, put box cutters in my pocket not noticing the blade is out and it just barely cut into my screen protector luckily.
I must have some d*mn good luck.

Originally Posted by zepsamsung View Post
Okay, here is how my left hand which has no sweat works, if I slide it on the screen I have to apply a lot more pressure than my right hand. If I remove the screen protector this problem is much less than with it on. My right finger with the same pressure works great. Using gloves will not recreate not sweating because gloves have grip and are not the same as a finger tip without sweat glads.
Never heard about that with no sweat glands though.
I have had my oil glands go "dormant" for a while.
Don't know what else to call it.
They stopped working for a month or two
and my fingers were all ashy and dried up/cracking
and white like it was dead skin kindof.
It was due to paint thinner.
I was working at my dad's custom paint business.
I spend most of my time at MobileUnderground.
(Now offering free FTP space to Developers & ROM Chefs willing to support their product at M.U. - Exclusivity not required! Also the home of the original Chefs' Corner, Cab Central, and more!)
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 06-05-2009, 10:48 AM
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Re: Bigger Phones, Kind Of Backwards

Originally Posted by zepsamsung View Post
I own a business, bulbsbladesandautoglass.faithweb.com. I use my phone for my business all day. I just think, in my opinion that the new pocket pc phones are going larger. The new TP2 would be too big to carry all the time.
I have an IPAQ 2495b and a Mogul, now the Touch Pro. My TP is the perfect size, I use it for college and for business also. I even watch HULU on it with Skyfire. I think the new TP2 looks hot and is great but as I stated is not good for my medical condition without the dpad and larger phone buttons.
BTW, the new TP uses an older cpu. Msm7600 and not the newer msm7501a like the Touch Pro, but that might have something to do with the lawsuit issues earlier this year with broadcom. So in conclusion, I find the new Touch Pro to be an awesome bigger screened phone. However I agree with an earlier post about making the screen fill the front of the phone which could mean a even bigger oled screen in the same size device, that would be nice.
I agree the Touch Pro 2 has a screen that is far too large. Or the better way of saying what we're saying is "the phone's form factor is now too big."

I'm one who prefers the 2.8" screen size, but I'm not going to argue a point about it. I'm an edge case in that my handwriting is about 0.1" in height so I don't have a problem looking at small things on screens or anywhere else.

Originally Posted by ou2mame View Post
this is not the type of phone you bring hiking with you. actually, its the type of phone you bring to the office with you. these phones are for professionals, and people who need technology. get a netbook? why carry two devices? i got the tp so i don't have to lug my laptop around to work on excel docs and ftp docs. backwards? i have all the basic functionality of a notebook in my pocket, which a phone built into it as well. thats not backwards, thats extremely forward.

i mean, if you don't like it, don't get it. but its not obsolete technology, you're just looking at it like its a phone or something. its not a phone, its a pda with a cellular network capabilities. if you need a "phone", get a "phone". the people who buy these need more than just a phone. they still make small and capable phones, and i don't think thats going to end anytime soon so there's nothing to worry about.

i don't understand the need for sweat on a touch screen... the stylus is just plastic? but i dunno, i'm not an expert in that area. I understand the touch sensitive buttons like call and end not working though, that makes sense. and trust me, atm screens don't work for anybody lol

i don't know what you're looking for either... i don't get the point of this thread. if you want a smartphone that has buttons, look at the palms. if you want one that doesn't, try htc? you want a pda phone that has a number pad? just open the phone, there's buttons right there. but yeah, if you broke the screen the phone prob wouldn't work, but then again, you probably shouldn't be bringing a touch screen phone into the woods if you plan on being so far away, and alone, that it could possibly be the end of your life if it broke. i don't even bring this phone to the beach, nevermind mountain climbing.
I'm not sure what you're actually saying to the OP. Why can't he use his smartphone as both a business and a personal device? Many of us do it all the time. I purchased my Windows Mobile device for my business and business use, but I'm not buying two phones to lug around on seperate occasions. As a result, I've taken my Touch Pro to the endge of the planet and I intend to continue doing so.

I think the OP is just airing his frustration with HTC's current trend to kill buttons; a frustration I share. There are many of us who don't like the "touch" revolution and we would prefer to have the option to opt out of it. Unfortunately for us they make devices with only one consumer in mind. HTC has really skipped over the business user in many ways and have rushed toward the consumer market chasing the iPhone. Is that a bad thing? I think so, but I'm biased.

With that said, I'm skipping the Touch Pro 2 as it just really doesn't bring anything refreshing to the table for me. The cons for the Touch Pro 2 versus my Touch Pro far outweigh the pros for me.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 06-05-2009, 11:01 AM
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Re: Bigger Phones, Kind Of Backwards

It depends on how you use your phone. I'm a big advocate for technology convergence, the less devices I have to carry the better. For a phone to double as a media player and a mobile internet portal, for me a key feature would be a large and easily manipulable screen. I ride the subway for an hour each way everyday, so I like to download episodes of TV shows and watch them on the train, while the TP's screen is fantastic, it would be even more awesome for me if it were just slightly larger. If your priorities are for compact portability and don't place emphasis on media or just use the browser for a quick look on a mobile webpage, than the original TP is probably better. No phone will be perfect for everyone, and it's unlikely that any one phone will be perfect for you. Technology is all about compromises and tradeoffs.

I agree on some parts of the hardware buttons. I still miss my moguls scroll wheel and ok button, but the TP d-pad is so terrible that I abhor using it. I always accidentally go back to home or start dialing contacts when I'm just trying to scroll through stuff. Getting rid of that for extra screen size would actually be preferable to me.

The mogul was actually a fantastic business/productivity phone and its a shame its been discontinued for those who would prefer it. TP is definitely geared towards this new 'iphone' minimalist type generation of phones.

I will say another thing though, it's always better to embrace change than to resist it. Otherwise you'll wind up as one of those old people on the rocking chairs yelling at kids to get off their lawns, hahah.

Last edited by Darkjedi; 06-05-2009 at 11:11 AM.
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