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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2009, 01:31 PM
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Window Mobile verses iPhone

Really nice presentation of why Windows Mobile blows the doors off of the iPhone

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2009, 02:07 PM
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Re: Window Mobile verses iPhone

First off, Touch_Pete, cool avatar that car rocks. Next, the write up is a very good write up. I also read the "bizzaro write up" about the iPhone. While reading that one I thought that the iPhone fan boy wrote the review a couple of years ago because everything with the exception of the screen size and iTunes, the latest Windows Mobile devices do everything that the fan boy claims they don't. He even brags about a 2.0 MP camera, and built in GPS, so I was really shocked when I saw that the genius <--(this term is used with sarcasm) wrote the article 5/14/2009! So, after I finished laughing, I read the article again, with my TP in hand and did everything that the iPhone fan boy claimed a Windows Mobile device could not do.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2009, 04:14 PM
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Re: Window Mobile verses iPhone

Frankly, articles like this and iphone fanboy ones are worthless. If you're so threatened by any phone that you have to do a completely one sided, non-objective, bitter middle school kid sounding article the likes of which political spinmasters would give praise to then there's probably something wrong with how you view your PDA in the first place. The same stuff has happened for over a decade with WinCE, PPC, and WinMo and people wonder why the interface has came so far in years and has made so little actual progress in fixing many of the issues that have been most commonly complained about since the very start. If PPC users actually started promoting the good things about the device while REALISTICALLY actually acknowledging the potential deficiencies of it and what the competition actually does rather well maybe we'd actually start seeing companies and MS be forced to put out an actual modern Operating System instead of dozens of people trying to put together "touch up" attempts that ultimately fail to hit the mark perfectly because you can only dress WinMo up so far.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2009, 09:29 PM
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Re: Window Mobile verses iPhone

Originally Posted by Zyphlin View Post
Frankly, articles like this and iphone fanboy ones are worthless. If you're so threatened by any phone that you have to do a completely one sided, non-objective, bitter middle school kid sounding article the likes of which political spinmasters would give praise to then there's probably something wrong with how you view your PDA in the first place. The same stuff has happened for over a decade with WinCE, PPC, and WinMo and people wonder why the interface has came so far in years and has made so little actual progress in fixing many of the issues that have been most commonly complained about since the very start. If PPC users actually started promoting the good things about the device while REALISTICALLY actually acknowledging the potential deficiencies of it and what the competition actually does rather well maybe we'd actually start seeing companies and MS be forced to put out an actual modern Operating System instead of dozens of people trying to put together "touch up" attempts that ultimately fail to hit the mark perfectly because you can only dress WinMo up so far.
I am not threatened by the iPhone I just find that it gets so much hype it is nice to see the places were Windows Mobile shines in comparison, and I felt this article did a nice job of that. I agree the OS is not perfect, in fact there isn't a perfect OS. I have used pretty near all of them from CPM on up including Linux, AIX, Solaris, every thing from MSDOS 1.0 up to Windows 7 including server OS's (I am a System Admin at a large Canadian University) and Mac OS X. You generally have to find the work arounds which is what makes PPC Geeks so valuable as we have some pretty smart guys here who find the work arounds that make our experience as good as it can be within the limitations of our OS, which I believe at this point is the best option available. Android may change that eventually but its not there yet.

Last edited by Touch_Pete; 06-03-2009 at 12:11 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2009, 09:39 PM
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Re: Window Mobile verses iPhone

Originally Posted by Zyphlin View Post
Frankly, articles like this and iphone fanboy ones are worthless. If you're so threatened by any phone that you have to do a completely one sided, non-objective, bitter middle school kid sounding article the likes of which political spinmasters would give praise to then there's probably something wrong with how you view your PDA in the first place. The same stuff has happened for over a decade with WinCE, PPC, and WinMo and people wonder why the interface has came so far in years and has made so little actual progress in fixing many of the issues that have been most commonly complained about since the very start. If PPC users actually started promoting the good things about the device while REALISTICALLY actually acknowledging the potential deficiencies of it and what the competition actually does rather well maybe we'd actually start seeing companies and MS be forced to put out an actual modern Operating System instead of dozens of people trying to put together "touch up" attempts that ultimately fail to hit the mark perfectly because you can only dress WinMo up so far.
this middle school kid like wm

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2009, 02:02 PM
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Re: Window Mobile verses iPhone

I read the article. While it does bring up some very good benefits of Winmo devices it almost virtually ignores ANY thing the iphone can do. The chart at the end (albeit very funny!) is a classic example.

It interesting how it conveniently ignores multi touch, Safari, App store and the sheer number of peripherals you can chose from. Granted I'm not an iphone user and definitely prefer a Winmo device but ... come on, you have to be somewhat realistic in your comparisons.

One other interesting thing about the article is that the author tends to bring up the best features in DIFFERENT winmo devices. The problem is, that there isn't one Winmo device with ALL these features.

It's nice to read objective articles about winmo and iphone devices. Unfortunately this isn't one of them. It just reeks of "iphone insecurity".

Last edited by x10guy; 05-22-2009 at 02:06 PM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2009, 02:28 PM
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Re: Window Mobile verses iPhone

i read the article, and since its mainly a disgruntled WinMo fanatic i did not take it wholehearted. it does bring up a lot of good points but the tone really kills the credibility.

also he is comparing a OS (lots of different devices with different specs, form factors etc.) to 1 device. "Oh, X can do this and Y can do that and Z can do something else but the iphone can’t do all off them!” That’s fair.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2009, 03:05 PM
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Re: Window Mobile verses iPhone

Entertaining article in my opinion, always in need of a good laugh.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2009, 03:26 PM
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Re: Window Mobile verses iPhone

Originally Posted by jsvt3 View Post
Entertaining article in my opinion, always in need of a good laugh.

I would definitely give it that. The chart at the end is classic!

Funny - definitely. Credible - No.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2009, 11:47 AM
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Re: Window Mobile verses iPhone

Moved to the General Discussion Forum.

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