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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2008, 11:40 AM
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Angry Verizon ETF $195 judgement

Hi All,

So I switched my girlfriend from verizon to the sero plan back in January. I thought her 2 years were up and it was ok to cancel. Well looks like I was wrong and the stupid Verizon site fooled me. Now I have this $195.00 judgement from verizon. Do you guys have any ideas how I can fix this without having to pay. And hopefully getting this judgement cleared form her record before she kills me. I did do some reading and saw alot of people canceling without a ETF if they tell verizon that they breached there contract because of the text message increase that happened last month and on January. Do you think I can still bring this up to Verizon to clear this issue. Anyway any help would be great. My girl has the htc touch and I have the mogul. By far I still think the mogul is better. Just cant do without wifi and keyboard.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2008, 09:54 PM
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Re: Verizon ETF $195 judgement

i ported my number from verizon, only thing i have that might help is that both the rep at the store and one online said that i could cancel anytime in the last 30 days of the contract and not get charged

good luck

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2008, 10:07 PM
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Re: Verizon ETF $195 judgement

Originally Posted by cerchiarax View Post
Hi All,

So I switched my girlfriend from verizon to the sero plan back in January. I thought her 2 years were up and it was ok to cancel. Well looks like I was wrong and the stupid Verizon site fooled me. Now I have this $195.00 judgement from verizon. Do you guys have any ideas how I can fix this without having to pay. And hopefully getting this judgement cleared form her record before she kills me. I did do some reading and saw alot of people canceling without a ETF if they tell verizon that they breached there contract because of the text message increase that happened last month and on January. Do you think I can still bring this up to Verizon to clear this issue. Anyway any help would be great. My girl has the htc touch and I have the mogul. By far I still think the mogul is better. Just cant do without wifi and keyboard.
Is it a judgement on her credit report already? If so, you got A LOT OF WORK ahead of you. First, you do need to resolve w Verizon and the easiest way to do that is the text message increase. Second, you need them to take it off her credit. They may say they will do this, but you definitely have to stay on top of it. I would also get a letter emailed, mailed or faxed showing the issue w Verizon is resolved and you can fax into the the bureaus. Again, a lot of work..
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2008, 11:09 PM
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Re: Verizon ETF $195 judgement

Originally Posted by cykococo View Post
Is it a judgement on her credit report already? If so, you got A LOT OF WORK ahead of you. First, you do need to resolve w Verizon and the easiest way to do that is the text message increase. Second, you need them to take it off her credit. They may say they will do this, but you definitely have to stay on top of it. I would also get a letter emailed, mailed or faxed showing the issue w Verizon is resolved and you can fax into the the bureaus. Again, a lot of work..
It's too long to claim the text message increase as a breach of contract. Any rep you will talk to will tell you that there was a waived period where they allowed this, but it has long p@ssed. You will not be able to get out of it
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2008, 05:00 PM
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Re: Verizon ETF $195 judgement

Isn't the waive period like 60 days. They increased the text messages again just last month.
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