Verizon ETF $195 judgement
Hi All,
So I switched my girlfriend from verizon to the sero plan back in January. I thought her 2 years were up and it was ok to cancel. Well looks like I was wrong and the stupid Verizon site fooled me. Now I have this $195.00 judgement from verizon. Do you guys have any ideas how I can fix this without having to pay. And hopefully getting this judgement cleared form her record before she kills me. I did do some reading and saw alot of people canceling without a ETF if they tell verizon that they breached there contract because of the text message increase that happened last month and on January. Do you think I can still bring this up to Verizon to clear this issue. Anyway any help would be great. My girl has the htc touch and I have the mogul. By far I still think the mogul is better. Just cant do without wifi and keyboard.