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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2008, 11:56 PM
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Originally Posted by bkhoste View Post
I can not stand the inevitability of the first drop, you know it is coming, but when. Every phone I have had I have dropped at least once, and now that I have a new Mogul (My 6700 was taken out by a tiny Lego) I am just waiting for the first drop. Maybe, just maybe if I keep thinking it is coming, it won't. But I highly doubt it.
brutha ... it sucks to be you right now. I know exactly what you mean. why do you think my phone was resting on my jacket in the first place. when you first get a new ppc (especially when you come from years of nextels like I did), you get all p-whipped over it. examining the shell every time you pull it out. looking for the most microscopic of flaws. looking for reasons to show it off. laughing under your breath at every outside mention of the 'why-phone' because you know of the endless electronical novas awaiting you right there on your hip ... and how that DORK is stuck with his ''as is' why-phone' .... .... .... .... your 'precious' ... ... your perfect precious ... OH AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON AN UNLIMITED SERVICE PLAN! ... your precious ...

... and then drop it ...


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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2008, 05:56 PM
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First drop:

Was at a bar with some friends I somehow got mingled in a bar room brawl. Phone was in one of those aluminum cases. The phone got detatched from the case at some point. The Aluminum case took a huge pounding but I was able to bend it back into shape. My mogul received several deep gashes and it is not perfectly aligned. Before that I hadnt even so much as breathed on it hard for about a month.

Phone still works, proven it can take a lick and keep on ticking.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2008, 06:19 PM
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ive dropped my phone twice in the past two weeks for the first time since i owned it and can only thank the seidio plastic case for saving it.

once was on New Years (yes i was a little how you say...saucy) and dropped it.
The other was night before last in the garage, dropped it, back case cover flew off and the stylis ejected, but otherwise fine.
-PPC 6700, Moto Q, Touch, Touch Pro, Blackberry 9650, now EVO 3D
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2008, 06:56 PM
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My first smartphone

Here's one for you.

My first smartphone was the Kyocera 7135, before WM existed. It was the first palm smartphone. Out of the box, called Sprint to have it activated and the rep asked me if I wanted insurance. I never get insurance, but this time for reasons unbeknownst to me, maybe the $250 pricetag, I got the insurance. Walk onto my hardwood floor, grinning from ear to ear due to my new phone. While playing with the phone I accidentally dropped it and the screen shatters and I am standing there like Stick, I dropped my Stuckin' phone. I hadn't had the phone for and hour yet. Heartbroken and sad, I have never been without insurance since or a case. Couldn't have imagined takin' $250 L.

Now have a Touch in a case and insured.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2008, 08:26 PM
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I've dropped my Mogul 3 times, all onto cement from hip height while pulling it out of the holster. Each time the battery cover has gone flying, but everything else seemed ok. The most recent time, the Voice Dial button got jammed in, and I couldn't get it out with a pair of tweezers, but I was able to move it enough that it self repaired (popped out to useable) after a week or so, as I looked for repair center I could get to while it was open.

So far, I'm pretty happy with the resiliency...
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