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View Poll Results: Should I Leave Verizon?
Yes 64 78.05%
No 18 21.95%
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2008, 01:26 AM
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Although I don't live in your area i guess i can't give you the best advice, but what i can say is it all depends on what your main concerns are. From what you told us here then it's all about money saving and not quality of service so i think you should switch cause with that sero plan you are saving a bunch of money. I also never had the chance to have a pda or smartphone with sprint seeing how i didn't acquire one until i switched to verizon. I would switch back to sprint, but know too many people who have verizon now.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2008, 01:56 PM
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You can always try sprint for 30 days and if it doesnt work out i am sure Verizon would happily take you back.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2008, 06:30 PM
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i moved from verizon who i have been with for about 5 years to sprint 3 months ago and sprint is alot cheaper my monthly bill is 30 dollars a month plus tax but sprints customer service kinda sucks thats why i skip the customer service and just call the executives of the company lol but verizon has a little bit more coverage than sprint but dropped call wise i dont havent recieved and rom either since i live in a big city,, i live in the south florida area..hope this help you and i say yes switch to sprint
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2008, 06:54 PM
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Sprint in Wyoming vs Verizon

I checked into the SERO plan and it is very attractive. I had hoped I could switch.

I read the fine print, though, and don't think that I can switch from VZW to Sprint.

The Sprint service agreement says that if a majority of minutes are spent roaming that they can terminate the agreement.

I live in a Verizon home area where there is no 'native' Sprint service. So I would be roaming 100% of the time.

Does anyone have experience with this and whether Sprint enforces the termination provision?
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2008, 07:25 PM
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Thanks to all the replies. I'll be dumping Verizon the first week in February!

It appears that here in Cheyenne, WY is the only city in WY that's officially covered by Sprint. They have a Sprint retail store here. So the majority of my minutes should be used on their network and not roaming. I know AT&T terminated two contracts that a couple of my Colorado coworkers had due to them using than 50% of minutes used roaming on TMobile's GSM here. Not sure if Sprint is enforcing that.

It sounds like I"ll be able to roam without fees on other CDMA networks here if I get the right plan. Does anyone know if data works when roaming?
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2008, 07:48 PM
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You can always give it a try and if Sprint terminates your service I'm sure, as someone else pointed out, that Verizon would be happy to have you back!. I wonder... if Sprint terminates your service can you charge them a $200 ETF (early termination fee)?!? Hopefully the buggers don't terminate your service AND charge you an ETF.

Since you are out of contract with Verizon (I assume) you won't have a better time to try the competition than the present. From what I see there are a couple of possible outcomes:

1. You'll love Sprint and save a bunch of money.
2. You'll hate Sprint and realize it within the 30 day grace period so you can go back to Verizon with no ETF.
3. You'll hate Sprint but not realize it until after the 30 grace period in which case you are stuck paying the ETF or living with Sprint's service.
4. You'll like Sprint enough to stay, but they'll terminate your service for roaming too much, in which case you say "Que sera sera" and go back to Verizon.

Outcome #3 is the only bad one, so I say go for it.

I just left Verizon and signed up with Sprint. I picked up the HTC Mogul (XV6800 at Verizon) because Verizon couldn't match the price for the phone or come close on a data plan. Now that I've got a SERO plan I am getting more service for far less money than anything Verizon was willing to offer me.

I also spoke to five customer service reps yesterday (getting switched to the SERO plan) and all were native English speakers with two being in American call centers (southern accents), two being in Canada (Quebecois accents), and one plain jane midwest accent that could have been anywhere from Kansas to British Columbia. All were very friendly and helpful. My impression from reading the forums is that Sprint is much more likely to cut deals to keep customers than Verizon is. Your mileage may vary.

Good luck with whatever you choose.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 02-19-2008, 09:28 PM
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Re: Should I Leave Verizon?

So my mind is made up. I'm off to Sprint! I called this morning to port my number using the email mentioned above for the SERO plan. The woman on the phone told me that address is no longer valid (although it still works at sprint.com/sero).

If anyone can help me out with a SERO referral, I'd greatly appreciate it. From what I've read the referrer gets a $25 gift card if I dial a certain number after receiving my phone. It'd be the least I could do if anyone can provide me with a referral. Please IM me or PM.

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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 02-25-2008, 12:05 AM
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Re: Should I Leave Verizon?

The switch to Sprint has been excellent. Their customer service seems to be more friendly and helpful than Verizon's customer service. The number port took no time at all and signal quality is every bit as good as VZW's (so far). Data rates are superior to Verizon's. Thanks again to everyone who provided feedback on this thread!

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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 02-25-2008, 01:00 AM
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Re: Should I Leave Verizon?

Originally Posted by pringlet View Post
Customer service is probably the third priority. I've heard horror stories about Sprint customer service? I know all of their call centers are in india right? Is it really that bad?

If you've switched from VZW to any other provider, was it a good move or a bad move in your opinion?

Thanks for any input/feedback/links/etc.

Long time Vz customer that switched to Sprint SERO for the price and the Vogue. I'm saving about 500 dollars a year and I really like the phone.

However, yes, CS is THAT bad. The story is too long and terrible to go into, suffice it to say it was eventually corrected by Executive Services at sprint. IMO, Sprints executive services (escalation dep't) is equivelent to who you get when you call Verizon the first time. The first tier CS in india is absolutely USELESS.

I will say this for Sprint, they screwed up my Vogue rebate......and sent me $250 instead of $100
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 02-25-2008, 01:15 AM
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Re: Should I Leave Verizon?

thats what exec services is for, it is too bad that they can't handle them all at reg cs for $100 and save money and customers though
I work for Sprint, I don't speak for them. Moderator PhoneNews.com (Brandon Smith)

Remember to say when someone helps you out.

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