Should I Leave Verizon?
I've been with Verizon since before Verizon was Verizon. What I mean is that I originally signed up with Airtouch cellular and later they were acquired by Verizon. At any rate that will soon be 10 years I think. I've had my 6700 for 2 years now and feel that while I'm not only looking a new phone, why not check out new providers....
The company I work for gets an 18% discount thru Sprint and 12% discount thru T-Mobile. Verizon gives me 6% discount on my voice and 12% off on my data. My monthly bill is still over $80 when everything is said and done.
A co-worker of mine is with Sprint. He works here in Cheyenne Wyoming but lives down in Colorado. He has a mogul aka 6800, and is getting a minute/data package similar to mine for approx $50 a month. A quick speed test from showed that he consistently got 900+kbps on his Sprint Mogal here in Cheyenne while I was scraping to get 400kbps on my 6700. Sprint coverage here in town appears to be acceptable for the few places we've gone.
My number one priority is network coverage. Is it true that other providers have weaker networks or is that some VZ marketing campaign BullS*? How reliable are the coverage maps on the provider's websites? Are there any Sprint users here in the Wyoming / Colorado area who can give any feedback on the coverage across I-80 and I-25? The bottom line is, if the network is going to be weaker in any way then I think I'll stay with Verizon.
Price of service is second.
Customer service is probably the third priority. I've heard horror stories about Sprint customer service? I know all of their call centers are in india right? Is it really that bad?
If you've switched from VZW to any other provider, was it a good move or a bad move in your opinion?
Thanks for any input/feedback/links/etc.