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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2011, 12:57 AM
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Re: Is It True???? About The Hardware...

LoL!! Yea I'm the same exact way man... The physical keyboard just feels right and natural to me. OnScreen keyboards I tend to feel handicaped kinda, but I still use them, especially if I'm doing something with the other hand.

I work as a sign shaker for a gold buying company and have to wave, so I type on screen texting or whatever with my free hand and wave with the other. hahaha

They don't care what I do just so as long as I'm waving.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2012, 08:43 PM
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Re: Is It True???? About The Hardware...

Originally Posted by n1nj4Lo View Post
LoL!!...They don't care what I do just so as long as I'm waving.
Oh, then you wouldn't be able to use my solution. It takes 2 hands. Still, I jus' gotta tell my story:

Over a decade ago, I saw one of these:

And I knew I just HAD to get my hands on one, or something like it. Soon, I ran into things called PDAs by Palm. Saw another unit with a slide-out keyboard, and thought... Hmm, moving parts, that's asking for problems, also makes it bigger and heavier. No thanks, not for me. Then I found something called iPAQ with a screen nearly as big as the entire front surface area, and I wondered... where's the keyboard? Maybe on screen? How wonderful! That way you have a bigger screen that you can still use part of, for a KB when needed. I bought it, learned how to use the stylus in about 1 second flat, and still love this method on my Vogue:

I'm not willing to carry anything bigger than this little device (less than 4 inches long, less than 4 ounces light). But enough about what works for me. What could work for you, n1nj4Lo, just might be one of the voice input solutions. Have you considered voice-to-text programs, bluetooth headset with microphone, etc.?
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2012, 05:30 PM
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Re: Is It True???? About The Hardware...

Originally Posted by steveo70 View Post
I don't think they are trouble mechanically. I have had the Mogul, TP, TP2, and Arrive and have never had one kb problem. Maybe most general consumers "manhandle" and just don't respect and abuse their devices. I do not use mine like it's a "glass house" however, I used it hard and regular and never had problems. I personally think my Arrive has the best kb I have ever used. The extra extension with the tilt exposes the full keyboard and works very well. Being older at 41 and having many kb phones, I was a lil stubborn at first but have slowly merged to a kbless world since it is obvious that the way it is going, I've really found it very natural.
Maybe the rep just doesn't like the extra moving parts of a kb phone to fix? and passes on the influence? just an afterthought.
I've had about 5 TP's now, and every single one of them had a KB issue, requiring it to be replaced... I just had a KB replaced again.. was shocked a local sprint store still had parts for the Touch Pro lol, but am grateful. I just refuse to pay double for the same data plan I have now, with these newer devices, and NO 4G in the area. Call me stubborn. This is one of the few smartphone devices they DO NOT require you to change your plan with.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2012, 08:26 PM
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Re: Is It True???? About The Hardware...

It depends on the phone. I would never get a phone like my Fathom without the keyboard, because an on-screen keyboard for many resistive touchscreen devices is a nightmare. and I've never had a single problem with the sliding mechanism, even though I've dropped it numerous times.
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