Originally Posted by n1nj4Lo
LoL!!...They don't care what I do just so as long as I'm waving.
Oh, then you wouldn't be able to use my solution. It takes 2 hands. Still, I jus' gotta tell my story:
Over a decade ago, I saw one of these:
And I knew I just HAD to get my hands on one, or something like it. Soon, I ran into things called PDAs by Palm. Saw another unit with a slide-out keyboard, and thought... Hmm, moving parts, that's asking for problems, also makes it bigger and heavier. No thanks, not for me. Then I found something called iPAQ with a screen nearly as big as the entire front surface area, and I wondered... where's the keyboard? Maybe on screen? How wonderful! That way you have a bigger screen that you can still use part of, for a KB when needed. I bought it, learned how to use the stylus in about 1 second flat, and still love this method on my Vogue:
I'm not willing to carry anything bigger than this little device (less than 4 inches long, less than 4 ounces light). But enough about what works for me. What could work for you, n1nj4Lo, just might be one of the voice input solutions. Have you considered voice-to-text programs, bluetooth headset with microphone, etc.?