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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2010, 11:04 PM
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How far we've come

I was just looking at some of these old pocketnow youtube videos thinking about how far our devices have come with software development. Its kind of interesting to think about what we used to deal with and how development has accomodated for our needs.

TouchFLO 3D 2.5

TouchFLO 3D 2.6

Its interesting looking at what the pre-releases looked like, especially compared to now including landscape, more tabs, etc. I remember watching these vids before the Touch Pro2 even came out in the US thinking 'Wow, one day, this would be really cool....' Quickly this changed to what we expect out of the phone.

Just thought i'd share, its good for a little chuckle...I'm sure there are a couple other choice videos and webpages you followed that gave you some info that if you were too look back now, it would make you scratch your head too lol. And again, thanks to the developers for helping make a lot of these a reality

P.S. if you have any extra time, maybe someone can comment to some of the people still looking for Touch FLO 2.6???
Moved on to Motorola Droid 3 and XDA...ya'll kids have fun
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2010, 11:44 PM
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Re: How far we've come

Well I got some ppc-6700, videos you don't want you know...they are very old.
Sprint: SPH-460-->SPH-A660-->PPC-6700--> PPC-6800--> Touch Pro-->Touch Pro2(retired)
Switched to Android on June 26, 2011 -Current device: HTC EVO3D
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-31-2010, 04:42 PM
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Re: How far we've come

I was a huge HTC Home fan on the PPC-6700. It was ideal for me since it provided extremely quick access to SMS, email, missed calls, weather, and the HTC music player among other things... while being relatively "light."

Sense is great but it's a memory hog, especially with CHT that I pretty must have for my day-to-day use :/
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2010, 06:57 AM
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Re: How far we've come

I'm still a huge fan of the 6700, if the usb port didn't break who knows i might still be using it right now. I really loved it because it was so fast when overclocked! 600mhz cpu, 150mhz ram, 300mhz bus with the last two really making a huuuuuuuge boost in responsiveness. It just didn't have enough ram rawwrr! It makes me sad that the 6800 and TP2 i have now is soooooo sloww compared to it.
Luckily though, I just got a LG fathom and am back on track with a responsive winmo
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