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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2010, 07:01 PM
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Jump ship?

After having PPC and WM phones for the longest time, I'm starting to envy the new Android phones. I recently upgraded from my Mogul to a TP2, but even with a Mighty ROM on there, the Androids are still looking pretty good.

I have about 10 days where I can return my phone for a different model.

Save me from myself! Tell me why jumping the sinking WM ship is a bad idea.

I'll help you out.

1) Coreplayer can play just about anything (Android Coreplayer?)
2) WM does Outlook very well (gotta have my Exchange server)
3) Must have Cash Organizer for my finances. (Android equivalent?)

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2010, 07:20 PM
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Re: Jump ship?

Wow I thought I was bad but member since 2006 and only 46 post? lol. Anyway I myself would like an android phone but due to my grandfathered account I can only get an android phone IF I change my plan to their new everything plan. If you have their new everything data plan, then why not give Android a try for 30 days. Then if you dont like it return back for the TP2. If I remember correctly, if you swap to a new phone within the 30 days then the 30 days starts again on the new phone.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2010, 07:22 PM
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Re: Jump ship?

No custom Roms nuff said?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2010, 07:26 PM
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Re: Jump ship?

Little interest in Android this early for me.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2010, 07:48 PM
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Re: Jump ship?

Originally Posted by Robb Bates View Post
After having PPC and WM phones for the longest time, I'm starting to envy the new Android phones. I recently upgraded from my Mogul to a TP2, but even with a Mighty ROM on there, the Androids are still looking pretty good.

I have about 10 days where I can return my phone for a different model.

Save me from myself! Tell me why jumping the sinking WM ship is a bad idea.

I'll help you out.

1) Coreplayer can play just about anything (Android Coreplayer?)
2) WM does Outlook very well (gotta have my Exchange server)
3) Must have Cash Organizer for my finances. (Android equivalent?)

If you've spent much time reading Consumer Reports or other ratings guides, you start to see a pattern with every thing out there. It's a simple conclusion that really can change the way you buy products for the rest of your life.

The equation is simple: things are better the more they have been around.

Now you may think, uhm, DUH! But think about it. It hardly makes a difference what brand LCD TV or monitor you buy anymore because the technology has been around for so long. They will all last, just some have better features. Corolla's have been around for a while. If you look at the car ratings over the years (I used to be so obsessed with cars, I read the Consumer Reports guides for cars every year), you'll notice the Focus when it came out wasn't that great. But every year it got better. Same with almost every other car.

Android has not been around for a while. Google acts like they know what's up but it's all false confidence. Windows Mobile has been around for a while. It's predictable. Safe. Honestly, I'm not going to say that Android will never be better, but you can sure as hell say it doesn't have respectable experience in the business to say it's a good investment.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2010, 08:09 PM
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Re: Jump ship?

Only product that matches my demands for service and functionality is the HTC Leo (tmobile HD2)

It's a standard issue WiMo6.5 Device confirmed upgradable by HTC Russia to Windows Phone 7 (WinMo7)

Snapdragon chip for its raw horsepower in pushing things it is capable of 720p video decoding but not until 6.5 gets patched up or its a standard feature out the box with Windows Mobile 7 as it is already available on Android with the same SnapDragon chip

4.3 Inch Capacitive Touch Display detects the slightest of touches because of its hardware nature. Size wize i think its hits the nail on the head for the perfect consumer sized device. I can slip it in a pocket , jacket pocket, or holster with minimal bulk

there are 5" devices being developed right now but 5" ventures in the MID device land and might be hard to manage easily

People would think its a tablet pc with phone capability rather than the other way around. One will be available form Dell (5" capacitive Touch)

Jump ship who knows I'd play it out till after mobile world congress where something usually leaks from a CEO's pocket

in summary, Windows Mobile is the only platform ill be investing in. I bought devices when it was a much less fantastic version and can't stand the limitations of other OS's as they strive to gain respect and maturity, I wish them all the best, but bring Windows to my pocket and im golden
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2010, 12:16 PM
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Re: Jump ship?

I fully agree with RORYTMEADOWS

Last edited by Joe Breezy; 01-14-2010 at 12:17 PM. Reason: bad speech
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2010, 12:24 PM
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Re: Jump ship?

Well, here's the story:

I decided to jump ship. I took my TP2 back to Sprint and got a Samsung Moment. Decent phone. I liked the app store and what they had was kind of neat. I told myself "All these cool applications will surely make up for my giving up a super high resolution screen, and awesome audio, and speaker phone, and tilt screen, and great keyboard, and custom ROMs, and the wonderful apps that I know and love...."

Well, five days later, I re-returned my phone and I'm back to the TP2. I knew it was the right decision after I held it in my hands and let out a contented sigh.

So I was a traitor for five days. How many lashes with a wet noodle is that?

The biggest complaint about sticking with WM is that there's no app love for WM like there is for Android and iPhone. I'm really hoping WM7 will change all that.

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2010, 03:47 PM
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Re: Jump ship?

Im using a hero atm.. running a custom rom. fresh..and there is a notable diff in speed etc using that rom.. anyway I too was in the same boat.. and decided to give android a much needed look.. so far im impressed the hero even though is has what is considered to be a slow cpu by todays standards..its still does everything i need and quickly...and the hardware is top notch.. i tried the moment.. I just can get myself to trust samsung...

Ive used nothing but wm since the 6700 days.. and agree wm even in its current form still to me is top dog.. but i just wanted a break..

The tp2 is a great phone.. most will say bah same as the tp1.. totally false. the build quality is second to none.. but in the end it is the same old same old. just on a bigger screen... same programs i had on my diamond/tp1 where on my tp2.. while they looked better on the bigger screen.. it was more of the same..

android is fragmented atm.. to many diff versions. etc.. but in the current 1.5 on the hero im still enjoying it..til 2.1 comes out in a few months.. but if palm comes out with say something hardware wise like the hd2 or something like the tp2.. better built bigger screen etc.. im soo there.. outta all the mobile os's out there webos i think has the brightest future.. but so does android.. wm will just be wm just like it always has been.. wm 7 who knows.. but i hope they dont stray to far off from what makes wm so special.. trying to compete with apple and android.. or they will be in ahole they will never get out of..
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