Originally Posted by Robb Bates
After having PPC and WM phones for the longest time, I'm starting to envy the new Android phones. I recently upgraded from my Mogul to a TP2, but even with a Mighty ROM on there, the Androids are still looking pretty good.
I have about 10 days where I can return my phone for a different model.
Save me from myself! Tell me why jumping the sinking WM ship is a bad idea.
I'll help you out.
1) Coreplayer can play just about anything (Android Coreplayer?)
2) WM does Outlook very well (gotta have my Exchange server)
3) Must have Cash Organizer for my finances. (Android equivalent?)
If you've spent much time reading Consumer Reports or other ratings guides, you start to see a pattern with every thing out there. It's a simple conclusion that really can change the way you buy products for the rest of your life.
The equation is simple: things are better the more they have been around.
Now you may think, uhm, DUH! But think about it. It hardly makes a difference what brand LCD TV or monitor you buy anymore because the technology has been around for so long. They will all last, just some have better features. Corolla's have been around for a while. If you look at the car ratings over the years (I used to be so obsessed with cars, I read the Consumer Reports guides for cars every year), you'll notice the Focus when it came out wasn't that great. But every year it got better. Same with almost every other car.
Android has not been around for a while. Google acts like they know what's up but it's all false confidence. Windows Mobile has been around for a while. It's predictable. Safe. Honestly, I'm not going to say that Android will never be better, but you can sure as hell say it doesn't have respectable experience in the business to say it's a good investment.