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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2010, 05:22 PM
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Re: windows mobile/phone is done..

Originally Posted by Noir View Post
you made a baseless claim based on something you didn't hear...
its not news. its speculative opinion - and baseless in that lg has already announced wm7 is coming this year. Its baseless because balmer announced mobile platforms for next month. Its baseless because you try to connect news with your growing negative belief that wm is dead..everything you stated is an opinion...there are no facts behind it whatsoever
this shouldn't even be here...
I haven't claimed anything. Maybe you should try reading before speaking when someone isnt speaking to you. My very first sentence in the post above yours says IT'S AN OPINION! enjoy your day.
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Old 01-08-2010, 07:20 PM
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Re: windows mobile/phone is done..

So far this thread is the biggest fail of the year. The year is new though so it my not hold.
Can you please now say Sprint will never get the HD2 because given how this thread went with our luck if you say it we may get notice its comming to Sprint later tonight or tomorrow.

Of course thats just my opinion on this thread and I am allowed to have it.
  #33 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2010, 05:39 AM
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Re: windows mobile/phone is done..

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
if you're going to make such a bizarre and damning accusation you may want to post some actual facts or case histories to back it up. I don't "remember" any of that stuff but what I DO remember is that Bill Gates busted his ass to get where he is and he didn't luck his way or inherit a trust fund to build an empire. without MS we wouldn't even be having these forums up. I'm not saying MS has never been unscrupulous in their dealings but like Phil Jackson once said about my Rockets "give him some #$%^ing credit, ok?"

Personally I don't like apple products all that much but I still give credit to steve for his ingenuity and his ability to build such a successful enterprise.

It's real easy to player hate, but try starting a business and then come back and talk to me. We can all sit here and say what they "should" do but if many of us were running MS it would have tanked a long time ago. MS didn't get to where it is by listening to people who had no experience in actual business.

Being that as it may, as consumers we have the right to complain, especially since PPCG members are probably very largely responsible for advertising and purchasing WM products and development (along with xda), but just try to keep the full picture in mind.

i assume you took my post as a cheap shot towards microsoft..... oh well, i did not join this community to babysit so i will leave you to whatever it was that i obviously interrupted when i posted.

"player hate?" are you serious?

looks like i need to keep to the grown folks area......

on a side note, you made me laugh from a good healthy place and i thank you. i needed that.

good day kiddo,
  #34 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2010, 10:56 AM
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Re: windows mobile/phone is done..

Originally Posted by smoove21 View Post
I haven't claimed anything. Maybe you should try reading before speaking when someone isnt speaking to you. My very first sentence in the post above yours says IT'S AN OPINION! enjoy your day.
baseless opinions don't belong in the news forum...gah read the rules this is like spam...ugh and you should know the rules but nooooo your posts have become more worse than a bipolar patient
wm is dead, wai no its alive, no dead, no alive
I mean I don't necessarily care about your opinion on wm, but don't put it in the wrong forum and then expect others not to comment. Seriously this is insane
the news forum is for news...not speculation based on a scorned user
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Old 01-09-2010, 09:58 PM
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Re: windows mobile/phone is done..

For everyone that thinks wm is dead.
Are you being serious?

WM is years behind the other OSs?
How many years and updates has it taken Apple to get the same features wm users have had for years?
WM lacks inovation? Seriously?
Sure wm looks out dated when not wrapped in a pretty ui. I will give you that.
Then again, Andoid usually comes wrapped in a pretty ui as well.
The look doesn't take away from the fact it is powerful and does just about everything the others are trying to do.

Microsoft will bring more to the table.
Will it be better than all other OSs?
Who can say, but it is not dead.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2010, 08:07 AM
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Re: windows mobile/phone is done..

Why is everybody taking this so personal like yall gettin a piece WM pie? No need to disrespect the man and even if its not facts this is how he feels. It you dont agree then thats fair but what he said should make ppl respond like this.

I too would rather take WM over any of the other OS but at the same time compared to the rest they seem to be sliding in to a dark place with the slow development. for the most part I think he feels this way because Sprint and WM are not providing the way they are for the other carriers... HD2, Omagio, 6.5 update.... stuff like that but come Feb we will all see... Just keepin it 100
  #37 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2010, 10:53 AM
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Re: windows mobile/phone is done..

when it comes down to it....unless WM starts lettin open development, they are gonna loose people to android/webos/apple. if you look at most apps, even free ones, they're for everything but WM...I really think that is a big part of their downfall...tho you might think apps are gimmicks, I think they could really save WM
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2010, 11:33 AM
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Why is everyone bashing Smoove?
He is simply saying that WM might be dead in terms of popularity and I agree with him. He thinks this because Microsoft had basically nothing to say about the new OS for the upcoming year.
Its a pretty reasonable opinion.

I agree with him because if you look at WM in terms of popularity, apps, and its UI, it is safe to say that is is lagging behind its competitors.
Lets face it, many consumers would rather have Android, iPhone, WebOS and maybe (just maybe) the new Blackberry OS before they think about WM. Its just the way consumers feel at this point.
In terms of apps, I know many argue that WM is meant for business and not entertainment BUT if Microsoft thought that then they would have never made the Marketplace. I think Microsoft sees that in order to make WM more popular they needed to balance out the entertainment as well as the business aspects of the phone. When you talk about apps in themselves, I have seen many sites that have apps for Android, Blackberry and iPhone but they leave WM completely in the dark. (I wish they wouldnt do this!)
Finally its UI. Consumers are at the point where "flashy" matters. They want a phone that looks attractive not only hardware wise, but software wise too. And WM, software wise, is just not there yet. (6.5 is going in the right direction though.)

I love my HTC Touch, but I would be lying if I told you that I didnt think about jumping to the Android. However, with Microsoft saying that they will show off WM7 in Feb, then I may wait to see what it looks like.
  #39 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2010, 11:51 AM
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Re: windows mobile/phone is done..

Originally Posted by champ052005 View Post
Why is everyone bashing Smoove?
He is simply saying that WM might be dead in terms of popularity and I agree with him. He thinks this because Microsoft had basically nothing to say about the new OS for the upcoming year.
Its a pretty reasonable opinion.

I agree with him because if you look at WM in terms of popularity, apps, and its UI, it is safe to say that is is lagging behind its competitors.
Lets face it, many consumers would rather have Android, iPhone, WebOS and maybe (just maybe) the new Blackberry OS before they think about WM. Its just the way consumers feel at this point.
In terms of apps, I know many argue that WM is meant for business and not entertainment BUT if Microsoft thought that then they would have never made the Marketplace. I think Microsoft sees that in order to make WM more popular they needed to balance out the entertainment as well as the business aspects of the phone. When you talk about apps in themselves, I have seen many sites that have apps for Android, Blackberry and iPhone but they leave WM completely in the dark. (I wish they wouldnt do this!)
Finally its UI. Consumers are at the point where "flashy" matters. They want a phone that looks attractive not only hardware wise, but software wise too. And WM, software wise, is just not there yet. (6.5 is going in the right direction though.)

I love my HTC Touch, but I would be lying if I told you that I didnt think about jumping to the Android. However, with Microsoft saying that they will show off WM7 in Feb, then I may wait to see what it looks like.
I totally agree, I dont see why people are bashing smoove? If u disagree thats cool.. but to take shots at each other over this is too funny.. either u agree or dont.. leave your opinion etc..

me personally i love wm.. and to me its the best os. if your willing to put time into it..to get it where u want it.

dont care for apple. liked bb but get boring to quick.. webos.( pre ) I loved.. but cheaply built...android is to me. a nice os.. with options much like wm.. the hero even reminds me of my old vogue in a way...

but im waiting to see what comes out for sprint this year.. for wm or palm...before i jump back to either one..

but if palm comes out with something like the hd2 but with webos. on sprint im sooo there...
  #40 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2010, 12:01 PM
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Re: windows mobile/phone is done..

he's being bashed because this is *points to forum* the NEWS forum
not some oh I'll slip some news in there to state my negativity for the trend in wm. There is a general discussion for that...and its not being used because lo and behold there is a thread like that there...

when it comes down to it....unless WM starts lettin open development, they are gonna loose people to android/webos/apple. if you look at most apps, even free ones, they're for everything but WM...I really think that is a big part of their downfall...tho you might think apps are gimmicks, I think they could really save WM
Going to slightly disagree here. WM does have as much open development as google thanks to ppcgeeks and xda developers. While the beta builds of wm are going a bit stale, they will pick back up again I don't see any issue in that whatsoever. But what I believe is killing microsoft is the advertising. Keep in mind that wm does have a fanbase - that is shown with the sales of the vzw touch pro 2. Not even verizon expected that the unit would sell out not once, not twice, not three times, but four times! For a device that isn't announced, not commercialized in any htc commercials, that in itself is downright stupendous. Windows mobile does a lot of things right - except advertising. I don't think the google android os is superior to windows mobile at all - in fact like the iphone, if you have work to do on the device, it is one of the worst mobile devices to use. Windows mobile still has its supporters but what is needed is a cunning and decisive advertising campaign. And that is something windows mobile never had. Ever.

I think that is the fault of wm itself. Heck even engadget is saying what we all said for months
wm 6.5.3 is what wm 6.5 was supposed to be...and we all know it
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