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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2009, 10:07 PM
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Re: UGGGGHHHH! I HAVE to get an iPhone

Thanks all for the replies. What got me the most was the iPhone requirement. Most of the schools I applied to required PPC devices in addition to specific laptops.
From past interviews, what many of you said about the IT and support is correct. They tend to standardize on one particular laptop which in turn makes supporting it much easier.

What hurts about the iPhone is that it has to be an iPhone AND a data plan. I already have a WM phone with a data plan. I'd much rather use my Touch and tether it.

I have my final interview with the school tomorrow and I'm going to ask how stringent their requirement is for the iphone.

BTW, Wish me luck.

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2009, 08:08 AM
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Re: UGGGGHHHH! I HAVE to get an iPhone

If they REQUIRE you to have a specific device, they should SUPPLY it. I can understand requiring a certain kind of laptop, but I think its absurd to require an iPhone with a data plan & expect you to pay for it, especially if they don't allow you to work. They should at least allow you to charge the bill to your student loan or something.

I'd find a different school, but that's just me...
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2009, 10:15 AM
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Re: UGGGGHHHH! I HAVE to get an iPhone

Originally Posted by CarlaDarla View Post
I have a friend that goes to BU Medical School and he had to purchase specific laptops from the school.
some programs do require that. When I was going to go to med school, they required a tablet and wm pocket pc
now its either wm or iphone. If you have an ipod touch you should be fine, but the dell xt (if that is the model you need) I recommend you DO NOT BUY!

I have one - hasn't stopped giving me issues. I really pray to god I get upgraded because of the crappy dell tech support and the crappy parts dell sent out.

I suggest (if you have to go tablet) lenovo or hp - much cheaper with n trig and faster!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2009, 10:52 AM
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Re: UGGGGHHHH! I HAVE to get an iPhone

If you need (require) books for a college course, does the university supply the book or do you have to buy the book? With that in mind, they are requiring you to have an iPhone with data connection and a specific laptop just like they would require you to have a certain book, published by a specific publisher, written by a specific writer and pertaining to a specific subject. I see no difference between being required to buy books or other material and being required to purchase iPhone and Laptop... except price obviously

It's funny though, they would require and iPhone (Apple) and a Laptop by Dell which would most likely be running Windows as an OS

Originally Posted by Noir View Post
I suggest (if you have to go tablet) lenovo or hp - much cheaper with n trig and faster!
I work for a school district and we have some IBM Lenovo laptops (R60, R61, T500) and we constantly have problems with these laptops, they're really big headaches... We have Dells and overall do not have problems... as a matter of fact we have a T-STEM Academy here which is new only have 100 students so far and each of them have a Dell E5400 and we haven't had limited issues with these laptops... remember these are 100 high school FRESHMEN handeling these laptops too!

Last edited by elephant007; 12-16-2009 at 10:59 AM.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2009, 01:12 PM
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Re: UGGGGHHHH! I HAVE to get an iPhone

Originally Posted by elephant007 View Post
If you need (require) books for a college course, does the university supply the book or do you have to buy the book? With that in mind, they are requiring you to have an iPhone with data connection and a specific laptop just like they would require you to have a certain book, published by a specific publisher, written by a specific writer and pertaining to a specific subject. I see no difference between being required to buy books or other material and being required to purchase iPhone and Laptop... except price obviously
Except a book is a one time purchase. You have the option of finding a used book and then reselling it back to the bookstore at the conclusion of the class, thus recouping some of your money.

Requiring a phone with a two year contract is a bit different than requiring books. The expectation that you can't work is a bit janky too.

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2009, 03:19 PM
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Re: UGGGGHHHH! I HAVE to get an iPhone

Originally Posted by CozBoogie View Post
Except a book is a one time purchase. You have the option of finding a used book and then reselling it back to the bookstore at the conclusion of the class, thus recouping some of your money.

Requiring a phone with a two year contract is a bit different than requiring books. The expectation that you can't work is a bit janky too.

plus with the ISDN number you can get used books online for cheap! I don't see iphones, even crappy 8gig 2g ones, going for less than $200 and forget about paying for att service!

I wonder if they'd let you use a 1st generation used iphone unlocked on Tmobil?
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2009, 08:12 PM
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Re: UGGGGHHHH! I HAVE to get an iPhone

Originally Posted by kabuk1 View Post
If they REQUIRE you to have a specific device, they should SUPPLY it. I can understand requiring a certain kind of laptop, but I think its absurd to require an iPhone with a data plan & expect you to pay for it, especially if they don't allow you to work. They should at least allow you to charge the bill to your student loan or something.

I'd find a different school, but that's just me...
Correct, they require it and both are included in my tuition (with the exception of the AT&T plan).

I went for my interview today and asked about it today and it is correct that it is an IT decision to standardize on one platform. I didn't get into the nitty gritty of it but Apples were ruled out due to their cost. The iphone (to them) is considered a stable and reliable device with a good support repuatation (unlike my WM phone that I am flashing new ROMS to on a weekly- if not more - basis).

As for tethering, I didn't get to ask that question.

As far as the school goes, its a very well respected school and has an excellent PA program. The interview was pretty greuling though. Looks like I'll be taking a second semester of organic chemistry. I'd rather have my fingernails extracted....

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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2009, 08:17 PM
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Re: UGGGGHHHH! I HAVE to get an iPhone

Originally Posted by Noir View Post
some programs do require that. When I was going to go to med school, they required a tablet and wm pocket pc
now its either wm or iphone. If you have an ipod touch you should be fine, but the dell xt (if that is the model you need) I recommend you DO NOT BUY!

I have one - hasn't stopped giving me issues. I really pray to god I get upgraded because of the crappy dell tech support and the crappy parts dell sent out.

I suggest (if you have to go tablet) lenovo or hp - much cheaper with n trig and faster!
Yeah, I avoid the Dell XT - and the similar HP TX2 like the plague. Im the site mod over at the HP Touchsmart community website and one of the longest running discussion threads is about the terrible touch support for the n-trig digitizers.

I have a TX2500 tablet which, while not a multitouch is really a great tablet. It got me through my last year of undergrad and I was/am hoping for more. My favorite note taking tablet thouhg, is my Fujitsu ST5010. Its old and underpowered by todays standards but is still an excellent note taking device.

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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2009, 08:21 PM
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Re: UGGGGHHHH! I HAVE to get an iPhone

Originally Posted by CozBoogie View Post
The expectation that you can't work is a bit janky too.

Thats pretty much a requirement for all PA schools. I've not been to a single one that has not tried to discourage me from working. I'll essentially be learning 4 years worth of medical school in my first year and during my second year moving from clinical rotation to clinical rotation, which may mean moving to different locations or even cities to do my clinicals.

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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2009, 08:25 PM
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Re: UGGGGHHHH! I HAVE to get an iPhone

work for a school district and we have some IBM Lenovo laptops (R60, R61, T500) and we constantly have problems with these laptops, they're really big headaches... We have Dells and overall do not have problems... as a matter of fact we have a T-STEM Academy here which is new only have 100 students so far and each of them have a Dell E5400 and we haven't had limited issues with these laptops... remember these are 100 high school FRESHMEN handeling these laptops too!
don't get the XT and don't need support for it OMG dell sucks with support bad that's what I'm saying whoo they burned me
right now I only pray they upgrade me to the xt 2
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