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View Poll Results: Which Android Phone?
HTC Droid Incredible 5 26.32%
Samsung Fascinate 6 31.58%
Motorola Droid X 7 36.84%
Motorola Droid 2 1 5.26%
Voters: 19. You may not vote on this poll

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 08:11 PM
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Re: Which Android Phone and Why?

Going to go try and replace my TP2 tomorrow. I almost thought that this latest one was going to work as it looked and felt the nicest of the replacements I got, but yesterday, the ROM got corrupted, so I had to hard reset to have a functioning device, and today it started locking up and resetting itself. It actually reset itself while I was booted to Android as well, so it seems like the issue is the device and not software related. Based on responses here and also in the other similar thread in this forum, I think I'll try to get a Fascinate, otherwise I'll likely go with the Incredible as I feel that the Droid X is just to big. I'm sure it'd be great for typing and such, but I need it to fit comfortably in my pocket as well, and I think it's just to big for that. Either way, I'll be sure to play around with them to see what I like, though at this point, a device that works all the time would be an improvement.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 11:56 PM
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Re: Which Android Phone and Why?

I spent an hour tonight at the Verizon store playing with the Droid X and the fascinate. I tend to like the Fascinate better in performance and the operating system but would have to root it to get rid of the Verizon handicaps.

But here is my problem that I cannot find a solution to. I have over 1500 contacts in my address book. On my Touch Pro 2 running the most current HTC Sense, when I want to make a call I can use the alpha-numeric keyboard to spell out the name I'm look for (first, last or company name) and it will sort down the more input you enter. I could not get the Droid X or the Fascinate to do this but could with the HTC Incredible. By downloading a app called Dialer One, I got the Droid X to do this but not the Fascinate. The Dialer One did work on the Fascinate but we could get the phone to accept this new dialer as the default.

Any help on this issue as it is the one deal breaker on the phone for me. I have to be able to dial like I can with my HTC Touch Pro-2.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2010, 12:02 AM
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Re: Which Android Phone and Why?

since im sprint i say epic, had evo first but epic beats it in many ways and now that im rooted it only is gonna get better. Fascinate for you sounds like a good fit.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2010, 10:08 AM
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Re: Which Android Phone and Why?

The Droid 2 isnt a bad choice... I just snagged one to compare with and Im impressed... The keyboard on Ally is still the best but the 600 mhz cpu can get sluggish at times without an ATK program...
Devour -> Ally -> Droid -> Ally -> Droid 2
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2010, 03:08 PM
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Re: Which Android Phone and Why?

If you have to stick to VZW, I'd say the Incredible. It's an HTC device that has the most ROMs, and development going on.

If you have to have to huge screen I'd go with the Droid X, but remember the modding on that phone won't be near what it is on the Incredible.

Overall, my favorite Android phone (believe it or not) is the HD2, because right now it seems to get all the updates before anyone (like the Desire HD ROM) and you can store a bunch of ROMs on SD and launch them as you want, also it's got the 4.3" screen which I love watching football on. Really the only thing IMO that could make the Evo better is the front facing camera.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2010, 03:15 PM
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Re: Which Android Phone and Why?

I think you would be wrong about that. The modding community for the Droid X is rather large and they have produced a bunch of stuff for it already.

Me? I'm waiting for the HTC Incredible HD. Large screen and Sense? Sounds like a good device.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2010, 04:25 PM
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Re: Which Android Phone and Why?

Originally Posted by blazingwolf View Post
I think you would be wrong about that. The modding community for the Droid X is rather large and they have produced a bunch of stuff for it already.

Me? I'm waiting for the HTC Incredible HD. Large screen and Sense? Sounds like a good device.
so its pretty much a CDMA desire HD, that new Sense is pretty sweet, I would def. get that.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2010, 07:10 PM
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Re: Which Android Phone and Why?

Apparently, 4 bad devices in 2 weeks isn't enough to get a new phone. Getting another replacement TP2 Tuesday. At what point due they just cut their losses and give me a new phone as constantly replacing it cannot be cheaper than just giving me something new in box that is actually working.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2010, 02:56 PM
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Re: Which Android Phone and Why?

Originally Posted by imnuts View Post
Going to go try and replace my TP2 tomorrow. I almost thought that this latest one was going to work as it looked and felt the nicest of the replacements I got, but yesterday, the ROM got corrupted, so I had to hard reset to have a functioning device, and today it started locking up and resetting itself. It actually reset itself while I was booted to Android as well, so it seems like the issue is the device and not software related. Based on responses here and also in the other similar thread in this forum, I think I'll try to get a Fascinate, otherwise I'll likely go with the Incredible as I feel that the Droid X is just to big. I'm sure it'd be great for typing and such, but I need it to fit comfortably in my pocket as well, and I think it's just to big for that. Either way, I'll be sure to play around with them to see what I like, though at this point, a device that works all the time would be an improvement.
I just gave up on my third TP2. The latest refurb didn't even work out of the box. I hope you chose the Samsung. I really like HTC but the new Samsung Epic 4 G, as I am on Sprint was my choice. I can't give up the hard keyboard. I would have probably got the EVO, otherwise. So far it is just an fantastic phone. It is so fast on boot up and to do anything with. Energy Roms made my TP2 the best it could be but even Sprint said I should give it up and gave me an early upgrade to try it. I hope it works out well.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 10-09-2010, 12:48 AM
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Re: Which Android Phone and Why?

I reccommend the htc desire, i have one and it works perfectly. I would recommend it to anyone, the best phone you can buy.Hope this helps
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