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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 10:16 AM
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Re: BIG HEADS UP!! Google market

Originally Posted by twilk View Post
Correct and correct! The card was auto canceled once it was confirmed it was a fragulent purchase. Also considering the location the bad purchase came from it was most likely an internet purchase or an app store purchase that stole the number. This is just theory obviously. However my theory is probably good. I dont use this card for anything other then apps. I used it for an internet purchase several months ago for a set of Astro A40 headphones directly from the Astro A40 web site. I also used it on the net to purchase the yxplayer. Other then those two purchases all other purchases came from the app store. I highly doubt it was stolen from the astro site. It had to of been stolen from either the app store or the yxplayer site. I dont use this card to purchase gas or hit the mac machine.

The purchase came from London I live in the USA and have never visited London. Yeah it could have some how magicly got stolen from somewhere else but I highly doubt it. I dont have internet banking with this card its pretty prehistory in that regard lol so it couldnt have been stolen from my laptop. It most likley got picked up off the app store.

Also I am not hating just warning. I will continue to use the app store with a credit card only. The benifits of using a credit card are that a credit card is insured making it safer.
What never been to London? It's a pretty cool place I lived in England for 4 years when I was younger.

When I worked at a bank, if a debit card was used fraudulently the owner of the card was not responsible for the fraudulent use so long as they filed paperwork with the bank.

My Paypal account was hacked once which was linked to my debit card, they took everything from my checking account. I filled out paperwork with my bank and I was reimbursed immediately.

I agree with you on using credit cards though, because then you're not out of pocket any cash...
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 12:31 PM
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Re: BIG HEADS UP!! Google market

Had that happen to me before but it was as a result of paypal. I have text transaction alerts set to my phone whenever my card is used and here I am sitting at work.. and I get 3 consecutive transaction alerts from my card being used @ some online website for 3 purchases of about 800 bucks worth of stuff. Called the bank immediately and they cancelled the transactions, then had to three way call the online site and get them to put cancellations on the orders. Had all the money back in my account within a few hours and they cancelled the card and sent me a new one. They they filed a fraud case against the address and oddly enough the address was on a MILITARY base.

Ever since then I went and bought one of those little pre-paid debit cards and keep about 50 bucks on it for stuff like the market. That way even if I do get got again they wont get much.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2010, 12:08 AM
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Re: BIG HEADS UP!! Google market

+1 on pre-paid. I use it since i have had issues in past with overdraw protection and yet they let you overdraw anyways. Prepaid only works as far as what you have on card. But to a limit. I had sms off for a bit. Found out hard way even prepaid isn't that safe. Conico/phillips 66 aka hutches in oklahoma had bbeen pulling a fast one on me. Checkout says $5.37, swype card and receipt showed same. By time i get to car i get an sms that says $6.00 come to find out they round up to next $$ and you don't find out til bill comes. It overdrafted a prepaid card. Good thing was over $2 overdraft was all i paid instead of $20 per overdraft
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2010, 12:24 AM
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Re: BIG HEADS UP!! Google market

It could not be a google market place as they all use Google Checkout...the people who receive the money get it in their accounts and are paid by Google...It is not possible for it to be stolen there...

did you use the card offline at all? or at an ATM?

Maybe you visited an online site that placed a Trojan and/or keylogger on your pc or there was that Flash exploit recently as well..

or maybe they had your number for a while and chose to use it month later to cover up their tracks...
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2010, 01:30 AM
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Re: BIG HEADS UP!! Google market

Trolls. They hide in the gutters and wait till you're not looking. I did the "buy app now" thing once and then backed out. It showed my card info and prompted me to continue without even asking for card info. If someone had your email/password then they would have your card info. Blam purchase made. Check your email and mark as not read, you would never know.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2010, 01:11 PM
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Re: BIG HEADS UP!! Google market

Thanks for the heads up.
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