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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2010, 04:41 PM
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Re: Windows Mobile ---> Android: Who has made the switch?

Originally Posted by hookahzorr View Post
Ill stop using windows mobile when windows 7 come out and a good looking phone with keyboard comes to sprint with a snap dragon processor and the new 4g but i will miss windows mobile for some months probably until i get use to the android software the only reason i will buy a windows 7 phone and not switch to android if someone could make flashing available on it make it custom and not the ugly zune type interfacelook
thats what i was thinking of at first, wait till wp7 can be "unlocked" and flash a custom rom, but i think i wanna get away from flashing/fixing/tweaking for a while. its a fun hobby but also can be a drainer. i want something that works well, i can customize easily, install all the apps i want and be done, and start using my phone more than fixing it.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2010, 01:25 AM
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Re: Windows Mobile ---> Android: Who has made the switch?

actually i was talking to a friend about the htc incredible and let me tell you. the name fits it very well. freaking sweet phone, but no keyboard. i will give it a try. phone is fricking incredible haha!!
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2010, 09:10 AM
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Re: Windows Mobile ---> Android: Who has made the switch?

i have to agree with everyone else. i used winmo from 1/96 to 2/10 i got my Hero the 1st week of february and im LOVING it. especially the fact that everything google is integrated, then facebook updates with my contacts (picture and b-day) the integrated twitter and flickr. theres a TON of free software, and MOST of what i have tried really works. the only issue i have it that i cant transfer thru bluetooth or use voice command thru the BT headseet... yet. i believe both are fixed in Android 2.1 which sprint will be sending 4/2. i am so not looking back!
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2010, 02:57 PM
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Re: Windows Mobile ---> Android: Who has made the switch?

Well, now I am just waiting [impatiently] for the Evo to drop. Bye bye SERO, hello Evo.
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 05:31 AM
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Re: Windows Mobile ---> Android: Who has made the switch?

Originally Posted by psycho_maniac View Post
actually i was talking to a friend about the htc incredible and let me tell you. the name fits it very well. freaking sweet phone, but no keyboard. i will give it a try. phone is fricking incredible haha!!
+1 to that. Everyone I talk to isnt excited untill I tell them about the 8mp camera lol.
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Old 03-31-2010, 09:10 AM
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Re: Windows Mobile ---> Android: Who has made the switch?

Originally Posted by flipfone View Post
i have to agree with everyone else. i used winmo from 1/96 to 2/10 i got my Hero the 1st week of february and im LOVING it. especially the fact that everything google is integrated, then facebook updates with my contacts (picture and b-day) the integrated twitter and flickr. theres a TON of free software, and MOST of what i have tried really works. the only issue i have it that i cant transfer thru bluetooth or use voice command thru the BT headseet... yet. i believe both are fixed in Android 2.1 which sprint will be sending 4/2. i am so not looking back!
4/2 huh.. Well I havent heard that date anywhere. Dont get your hopes up.

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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 09:23 AM
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Re: Windows Mobile ---> Android: Who has made the switch?

Originally Posted by flipfone View Post
the only issue i have it that i cant transfer thru bluetooth or use voice command thru the BT headseet... yet. i believe both are fixed in Android 2.1 which sprint will be sending 4/2.
Originally Posted by kbussen View Post
4/2 huh.. Well I havent heard that date anywhere. Dont get your hopes up.
Amen kbizzle, amen.
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2010, 09:04 PM
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Re: Windows Mobile ---> Android: Who has made the switch?

Glad I saw this thread because I'm seriously considering switching over to the EVO 4G, once it's released. I currently have a Touch Pro and had a Mogul before it, so I'm only familiar with Windows Mobile.

Since everyone that's posted on here has gone from WinMo to Android, I just need to know if I'll be able to Sync up my Outlook Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, and Notes with the EVO 4g.

From what I've read, there was software released recently for other Android phones to be able to sync with Outlook. Can anybody confirm that it'll be possible?
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2010, 09:10 PM
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Re: Windows Mobile ---> Android: Who has made the switch?

Originally Posted by drexappeal View Post
Glad I saw this thread because I'm seriously considering switching over to the EVO 4G, once it's released. I currently have a Touch Pro and had a Mogul before it, so I'm only familiar with Windows Mobile.

Since everyone that's posted on here has gone from WinMo to Android, I just need to know if I'll be able to Sync up my Outlook Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, and Notes with the EVO 4g.

From what I've read, there was software released recently for other Android phones to be able to sync with Outlook. Can anybody confirm that it'll be possible?
yes it does sync, but since you're going to android you might as well sync your tp through exchange with google, that will back up contacts and calendar to google, then when you get your phone all contacts and calendar events will load once you login to your google account. Everybody who has an android has to create a google account. Now as for task and notes correct you will need to sync that everyday to outlook if you use those. Remember android does not have a built in notes app or task app. of course you can download many from the marketplace but they aren't in stock builds.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2010, 09:17 PM
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Re: Windows Mobile ---> Android: Who has made the switch?

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
yes it does sync, but since you're going to android you might as well sync your tp through exchange with google, that will back up contacts and calendar to google, then when you get your phone all contacts and calendar events will load once you login to your google account. Everybody who has an android has to create a google account. Now as for task and notes correct you will need to sync that everyday to outlook if you use those. Remember android does not have a built in notes app or task app. of course you can download many from the marketplace but they aren't in stock builds.
Thanks for the quick response!

Yeah, my main concern was that I didn't want to have to re-input every contact, every calendar event, into the new phone.

Sounds like, the only thing that would hold me back right now is to see how comfortable I feel with the size of the EVO (I actually like the size of the Touch Pro a lot, which is why I didn't get the TP2) and also the lack of a physical keyboard (which I think I'll be okay with, since the TP2 keyboard is such a PITA anyway, since I still can't open a text message and then switch to keyboard...I end up using the OS keyboard anyway).
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