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Old 01-05-2010, 05:03 PM
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Panoramic background cabs for Sense 2.5

Well if your looking here you like myself are probably looking for such an animal. Does anyone know of any cab files premade for Sense 2.5 panoramic backgrounds...
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Old 01-05-2010, 09:34 PM
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Re: Panoramic background cabs for Sense 2.5

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Old 01-13-2010, 09:12 PM
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Re: Panoramic background cabs for Sense 2.5

I've been checking this daily for updates, so I might as well say something. I've been flashing alot lately trying to get panoramic on a sense2.5 but am failing pretty bad. I haven't found any sense2.5 panoramic cab files yet...

So you'll probably have to do it yourself. I imagine it has to due with modifying several manilla files instead of just one. Can anyone expand on this?
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Old 01-13-2010, 11:35 PM
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Re: Panoramic background cabs for Sense 2.5

Originally Posted by trancednovea View Post
I've been checking this daily for updates, so I might as well say something. I've been flashing alot lately trying to get panoramic on a sense2.5 but am failing pretty bad. I haven't found any sense2.5 panoramic cab files yet...

So you'll probably have to do it yourself. I imagine it has to due with modifying several manilla files instead of just one. Can anyone expand on this?
They changed a lot in how sense 2.5 works. I've tried updating the files, but cannot get it to actually scroll the panoramic background. It works fine for sense 2.1 and I updated my thread at xda with a version here. I may try giving it another go, and I'll update this thread if I ever get anything to work.
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