Helpful Tips/Files on building Roms for Treo Pro
After MANY i repeat MANY hours of scratching my head with this device and wondering what that hell Palm did lol I think I have about everything figured out. This device is not set up like most and can be quite confusing for a novice or anyone for that matter. In this thread I will share my knowledge Ive gained so far on it and share some files with you.
First and foremost, these files are being shared with you as a courtesy, PLEASE DO NOT put these files in your rom and claim them as your own, all I ask is a little thanks or reference to where you got them from... thanks in advance. Now onto the technical details of this device. Carrier Settings/Bloatware: Most HTC devices have carrier settings/cabs in the OEMOperators, and OperatorPkg, not so on the Treo. Palm wanted to be different. On the Treo pro, Palm mounts and EXT Rom on first boot to a partition. This EXT Rom cant be accessed unless you change some registry entries, to save you the trouble, here are the files contained in it: EXT ROM FILES . This rar file contains all XML's/Cabs for carrier settings and some bloatware. This dumping of bloatware can be disabled by deleting the references the EXT rom in the RGU in OEMOperators. UC Autorun: Palm again likes to be different and doesnt use the standard UC, they use something called "Varnish" its basically a prettier, more locked down version of UC Autorun. To disable, find the regs refering to it in OEMOperators. After it is disabled, simply drop a normal UC Autorun OEM in and your good to go. Packaging of OEM's: Although not just a Palm thing, it is still highly annoying. All CDMA devices tend to dump all files/Rgu's into one folder in the OEMAPPS. I have painstakingly compiled them and separated all the files and rgu's into separate folders. You can find that here: PACKAGED OEM's Thats about all for now, please consider a donation if I helped you. Not mandatory but definitely appreciated. Thanks, -Cfay
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CFay TP2 Port ROM! Check it out! Changed my name from fayfay392 to CFay! Last edited by CFay; 09-03-2009 at 02:30 PM. |
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